Yevgeny Bar Lev
Cited by
Cited by
Absence of diffusion in an interacting system of spinless fermions on a one-dimensional disordered lattice
Y Bar Lev, G Cohen, DR Reichman
Physical Review Letter 114, 100601, 2015
The Ergodic Side of the Many-Body Localization Transition
DJ Luitz, Y Bar Lev
Ann. Phys. 529, 1600350, 2017
On power and throughput tradeoffs of WiFi and Bluetooth in smartphones
R Friedman, A Kogan, Y Krivolapov
INFOCOM, 2011 Proceedings IEEE, 900-908, 2011
Anomalous thermalization in ergodic systems
DJ Luitz, Y Bar Lev
Physical review letters 117 (17), 170404, 2016
Information propagation in isolated quantum systems
DJ Luitz, Y Bar Lev
Physical Review B 96 (2), 020406, 2017
Hyper-transport of light and stochastic acceleration by evolving disorder
L Levi, Y Krivolapov, S Fishman, M Segev
Nature Physics 8 (12), 912-917, 2012
Dynamics of many-body localization
Y Bar Lev, DR Reichman
Phys. Rev. B 89, 220201, 2014
Transport in quasiperiodic interacting systems: From superdiffusion to subdiffusion
Y Bar Lev, DM Kennes, C Klöckner, DR Reichman, C Karrasch
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 119 (3), 37003, 2017
Time-dependent variational principle in matrix-product state manifolds: Pitfalls and potential
B Kloss, Y Bar Lev, D Reichman
Physical Review B 97 (2), 024307, 2018
The nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a random potential: results and puzzles
S Fishman, Y Krivolapov, A Soffer
Nonlinearity 25 (4), R53, 2012
Absence of slow particle transport in the many-body localized phase
DJ Luitz, Y Bar Lev
Physical Review B 102 (10), 100202, 2020
Multifractality and its role in anomalous transport in the disordered XXZ spin-chain
DJ Luitz, IM Khaymovich, Y Bar Lev
SciPost Physics Core 2 (2), 006, 2020
Slow dynamics in a two-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model
Y Bar Lev, DR Reichman
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 113 (4), 46001, 2016
Spreading for the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation with disorder
H Veksler, Y Krivolapov, S Fishman
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (3 …, 2009
Emergent locality in systems with power-law interactions
DJ Luitz, Y Bar Lev
Physical Review A 99 (1), 010105, 2019
Absence of dynamical localization in interacting driven systems
DJ Luitz, Y Bar Lev, A Lazarides
SciPost Physics 3 (4), 029, 2017
Many-body localization in system with a completely delocalized single-particle spectrum
Y Bar Lev, DR Reichman, Y Sagi
Physical Review B 94 (20), 201116, 2016
Perturbation theory for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a random potential
S Fishman, Y Krivolapov, A Soffer
Nonlinearity 22 (12), 2861, 2009
Super-diffusion in optical realizations of Anderson localization
Y Krivolapov, L Levi, S Fishman, M Segev, M Wilkinson
New Journal of Physics 14 (4), 043047, 2012
Anomalous thermalization and transport in disordered interacting Floquet systems
S Roy, Y Bar Lev, DJ Luitz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03401, 2018
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Articles 1–20