Adrian Lienhard
Adrian Lienhard
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Practical object-oriented back-in-time debugging
A Lienhard, T Gîrba, O Nierstrasz
ECOOP 2008–Object-Oriented Programming: 22nd European Conference Paphos …, 2008
Seaside: A flexible environment for building dynamic web applications
S Ducasse, A Lienhard, L Renggli
IEEE software 24 (5), 56-63, 2007
Back to the future in one week—implementing a Smalltalk VM in PyPy
CF Bolz, A Kuhn, A Lienhard, ND Matsakis, O Nierstrasz, L Renggli, ...
Self-Sustaining Systems: First Workshop, S3 2008 Potsdam, Germany, May 15-16 …, 2008
Encapsulating and exploiting change with changeboxes
M Denker, T Gîrba, A Lienhard, O Nierstrasz, L Renggli, P Zumkehr
Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Dynamic languages: in …, 2007
Sub-method reflection
M Denker, S Ducasse, A Lienhard, P Marschall
TOOLS Europe 2007 6, 231-251, 2007
Tracking objects to detect feature dependencies
A Lienhard, O Greevy, O Nierstrasz
15th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'07), 59-68, 2007
Taking an object-centric view on dynamic information with object flow analysis
A Lienhard, S Ducasse, T Gırba
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 35 (1), 63-79, 2009
Dynamic object flow analysis
A Lienhard
Universität Bern, 2008
Identifying traits with formal concept analysis
A Lienhard, S Ducasse, G Arévalo
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2005
Flow-centric, back-in-time debugging
A Lienhard, J Fierz, O Nierstrasz
International Conference on Objects, Components, Models and Patterns, 272-288, 2009
Capturing how objects flow at runtime
A Lienhard, S Ducasse, T Gırba, O Nierstrasz
Proceedings International Workshop on Program Comprehension through Dynamic …, 2006
Rapid prototyping of visualizations using mondrian
A Lienhard, A Kuhn, O Greevy
2007 4th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for …, 2007
Pinocchio: Bringing reflection to life with first-class interpreters
T Verwaest, C Bruni, D Gurtner, A Lienhard, O Niestrasz
Proceedings of the ACM international conference on Object oriented …, 2010
Change-enabled software systems
O Nierstrasz, M Denker, T Gîrba, A Lienhard, D Röthlisberger
Software-Intensive Systems and New Computing Paradigms: Challenges and …, 2008
Analyzing, capturing and taming software change
O Nierstrasz, M Denker, T Girba, A Lienhard
Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages (co-located with ECOOP'06), 2006
Test blueprints-exposing side effects in execution traces to support writing unit tests
A Lienhard, T Gîrba, O Greevy, O Nierstrasz
2008 12th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 83-92, 2008
Bootstrapping Traits
A Lienhard
Master’s thesis, University of Bern, 2004
Exposing side effects in execution traces
A Lienhard, TA Girba, O Greevy, O Nierstrasz
Delft University of Technology. Software Engineering Research Group …, 2007
Object flow analysis: Taking an object-centric view on dynamic analysis
A Lienhard, S Ducasse, T Gîrba
Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Dynamic languages: in …, 2007
Evolving a reflective language: Lessons learned from implementing traits
S Ducasse, M Denker, A Lienhard
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, 82-86, 2009
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Articles 1–20