Inducing word-of-mouth by eliciting surprise–a pilot investigation C Derbaix, J Vanhamme Journal of economic psychology 24 (1), 99-116, 2003 | 704 | 2003 |
Perceived risk and risk relievers: An empirical investigation C Derbaix Journal of economic psychology 3 (1), 19-38, 1983 | 475 | 1983 |
The impact of affective reactions on attitudes toward the advertisement and the brand: A step toward ecological validity CM Derbaix Journal of marketing research 32 (4), 470-479, 1995 | 453 | 1995 |
Sponsorship and recall of sponsors T Lardinoit, C Derbaix Psychology & Marketing 18 (2), 167-190, 2001 | 419 | 2001 |
Affective reactions to consumption situations: A pilot investigation C Derbaix, MT Pham Journal of economic psychology 12 (2), 325-355, 1991 | 326 | 1991 |
Pride in contemporary sport consumption: a marketing perspective A Decrop, C Derbaix Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 38, 586-603, 2010 | 276 | 2010 |
Pour un développement des mesures de l'affectif en marketing: synthèse des prérequis C Derbaix, MT Pham Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 4 (4), 71-87, 1989 | 273 | 1989 |
Children and Attitude toward the Brand: A New Measurement Scale C Pecheux, C Derbaix Journal of Advertising Research 39 (4), 19-27, 1999 | 169 | 1999 |
The impact of children's affective reactions elicited by commercials on attitudes toward the advertisement and the brand C Derbaix, J Bree International Journal of Research in Marketing 14 (3), 207-229, 1997 | 167 | 1997 |
L'impact des réactions affectives induites par les messages publicitaires: une analyse tenant compte de l'implication CM Derbaix Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 10 (2), 3-30, 1995 | 132 | 1995 |
La mesure des réactions affectives en marketing: évaluation des principaux outils C Derbaix, I Poncin Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 20 (2), 55-75, 2005 | 129 | 2005 |
Colors and scarves: the symbolic consumption of material possessions by soccer fans A Decrop, C Derbaix, O Cabossart Advances in Consumer Research 29, 511-518, 2002 | 110 | 2002 |
Persuasion: la théorie de l'irrationalité restreinte C Derbaix, G Pierre | 109 | 2004 |
Essai de conceptualisation d'une activité éminemment pratique: le parrainage C Derbaix, P Gérard, T Lardinoit Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 9 (2), 43-67, 1994 | 109 | 1994 |
A new scale to assess children's attitude toward TV advertising C Derbaix, C Pecheux Journal of Advertising Research 43 (4), 390-399, 2003 | 105 | 2003 |
Le comportement de l'acheteur: voies d'études pour les années à venir C Derbaix Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 2 (2), 81-92, 1987 | 100 | 1987 |
Colours and scarves: an ethnographic account of football fans and their paraphernalia C Derbaix, A Decrop Leisure Studies 30 (3), 271-291, 2011 | 94 | 2011 |
Comportement du consommateur: présentation de textes choisis C Derbaix, J Bree HAL Post-Print, 2000 | 91 | 2000 |
“I support your team, support me in turn!”: The driving role of consumers' affiliation with the sponsored entity in explaining behavioral effects of sport sponsorship … JL Herrmann, M Kacha, C Derbaix Journal of Business Research 69 (2), 604-612, 2016 | 84 | 2016 |
Scholarly traditions and European roots of American consumer research HH Kassarjian Research traditions in marketing, 265-287, 1994 | 73 | 1994 |