Prisca R Bauer
Prisca R Bauer
University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany, Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
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Incidence and Prevalence of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
B Sultana, MA Panzini, AV Carpentier, J Comtois, B Rioux, G Gore, ...
Neurology 96 (17), 805-817, 2021
Can fMRI safely replace the Wada test for preoperative assessment of language lateralisation? A meta-analysis and systematic review
PR Bauer, JB Reitsma, BM Houweling, CH Ferrier, NF Ramsey
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 85 (5), 581-588, 2014
Caffeine and seizures: A systematic review and quantitative analysis
RR van Koert, PR Bauer, I Schuitema, JW Sander, GH Visser
Epilepsy & Behavior 80, 37-47, 2018
Differentiating motor phenomena in tilt-induced syncope and convulsive seizures
S Shmuely, PR Bauer, EW van Zwet, JG van Dijk, RD Thijs
Neurology 90 (15), e1339-e1346, 2018
Cortical excitability as a potential clinical marker of epilepsy: a review of the clinical application of transcranial magnetic stimulation
PR Bauer, S Kalitzin, M Zijlmans, JW Sander, GH Visser
International journal of neural systems 24 (02), 1430001, 2014
Dynamics of convulsive seizure termination and postictal generalized EEG suppression
PR Bauer, RD Thijs, RJ Lamberts, DN Velis, GH Visser, EA Tolner, ...
Brain 140 (3), 655-668, 2017
A neurophenomenological approach to non-ordinary states of consciousness: hypnosis, meditation, and psychedelics
C Timmermann, PR Bauer, O Gosseries, A Vanhaudenhuyse, ...
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2022
The comorbid relationship between migraine and epilepsy: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
MR Keezer, PR Bauer, MD Ferrari, JW Sander
European Journal of Neurology 22 (7), 1038-1047, 2015
Headache and epilepsy
PR Bauer, JA Carpay, GM Terwindt, JW Sander, RJ Thijs, J Haan, ...
Current pain and headache reports 17 (8), 351, 2013
Mismatch between electrocortical stimulation and electrocorticography frequency mapping of language
PR Bauer, MJ Vansteensel, MG Bleichner, D Hermes, CH Ferrier, ...
Brain stimulation 6 (4), 524-531, 2013
Headache in people with epilepsy
PR Bauer, EA Tolner, MR Keezer, MD Ferrari, JW Sander
Nature Reviews Neurology, 1-16, 2021
The (In) flexible self: Psychopathology, mindfulness, and neuroscience
F Giommi, PR Bauer, A Berkovich-Ohana, H Barendregt, KW Brown, ...
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 23 (4), 100381, 2023
Long-interval intracortical inhibition as biomarker for epilepsy: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
PR Bauer, AA de Goede, WM Stern, AD Pawley, FA Chowdhury, ...
Brain 141 (2), 409-421, 2018
The use of caffeine by people with epilepsy: the myths and the evidence
PR Bauer, JW Sander
Current neurology and neuroscience reports 19 (6), 1-7, 2019
Automated video detection of epileptic convulsion slowing as a precursor for post-seizure neuronal collapse.
SN Kalitzin, PR Bauer, RJ Lamberts, DN Velis, RD Thijs, ...
International Journal of Neural Systems 4, 1650027, 2016
Phase clustering in transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked EEG responses in genetic generalized epilepsy and migraine
PR Bauer, RM Helling, MJL Perenboom, FHL da Silva, EA Tolner, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 93, 102-112, 2019
The Self-Pattern and Buddhist Psychology
S Gallagher, A Raffone, A Berkovich-Ohana, HP Barendregt, PR Bauer, ...
Mindfulness, 1-9, 2023
Coping with Seizures Through Mindfulness Meditation: a Qualitative Study of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention in Epilepsy
PR Bauer, S Poletti, A Lutz, C Sabourdy
Mindfulness 10 (10), 2010-2025, 2019
The topographical distribution of epileptic spikes in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy with and without photosensitivity
PR Bauer, K Gorgels, W Spetgens, NEC van Klink, FSS Leijten, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (1), 176-182, 2017
Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a biomarker for epilepsy
PR Bauer, AA de Goede, EM ter Braack, MJAM van Putten, RD Gill, ...
Brain 140 (3), e18, 2017
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