An Jacobs
An Jacobs
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, imec, smit
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Participatory noise mapping works! An evaluation of participatory sensing as an alternative to standard techniques for environmental monitoring
E D’Hondt, M Stevens, A Jacobs
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 9 (5), 681-694, 2013
The potential of digital games for empowerment and social inclusion of groups at risk of social and economic exclusion: evidence and opportunity for policy
J Stewart, L Bleumers, J Van Looy
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), 2013
Working with walt: How a cobot was developed and inserted on an auto assembly line
I El Makrini, SA Elprama, J Van den Bergh, B Vanderborght, AJ Knevels, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 25 (2), 51-58, 2018
A methodology for shifting the focus of e-health support design onto user needs: a case in the homecare field
S De Rouck, A Jacobs, M Leys
International journal of medical informatics 77 (9), 589-601, 2008
I would DiYSE for it! A manifesto for do-it-yourself internet-of-things creation
D De Roeck, K Slegers, J Criel, M Godon, L Claeys, K Kilpi, A Jacobs
Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2012
Linking an integrated framework with appropriate methods for measuring QoE
D Geerts, K De Moor, I Ketyko, A Jacobs, J Van den Bergh, W Joseph, ...
2010 Second international workshop on quality of multimedia experience …, 2010
Passive shoulder exoskeletons: More effective in the lab than in the field?
S De Bock, J Ghillebert, R Govaerts, SA Elprama, U Marusic, B Serrien, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29, 173-183, 2020
Attitudes of factory workers towards industrial and collaborative robots
SA Elprama, CIC Jewell, A Jacobs, I El Makrini, B Vanderborght
Proceedings of the companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE international conference …, 2017
Social Processes: What Determines Industrial Workers’ Intention to Use Exoskeletons?
SA Elprama, JTA Vannieuwenhuyze, S De Bock, B Vanderborght, ...
Human Factors, 0018720819889534, 2020
An industrial exoskeleton user acceptance framework based on a literature review of empirical studies
SA Elprama, B Vanderborght, A Jacobs
Applied ergonomics 100, 103615, 2022
Human speckle perception threshold for still images from a laser projection system
S Roelandt, Y Meuret, A Jacobs, K Willaert, P Janssens, H Thienpont, ...
Optics express 22 (20), 23965-23979, 2014
A digital platform to support self-management of multiple chronic conditions (ProACT): findings in relation to engagement during a one-year proof-of-concept trial
J Doyle, E Murphy, S Gavin, A Pascale, S Deparis, P Tommasi, S Smith, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (12), e22672, 2021
State of play of digital games for empowerment and inclusion: A review of the literature and empirical cases
L Bleumers, A All, I Mariën, D Schurmans, J Van Looy, A Jacobs, ...
European Comission. Doi 10 (36295), 53-59, 2012
The effect of augmented reality on the accuracy and learning curve of external ventricular drain placement
F Van Gestel, T Frantz, C Vannerom, A Verhellen, AG Gallagher, ...
Neurosurgical focus 51 (2), E8, 2021
Internet of robotic things: Context-aware and personalized interventions of assistive social robots (short paper)
P Simoens, C Mahieu, F Ongenae, F De Backere, S De Pestel, J Nelis, ...
2016 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (Cloudnet), 204-207, 2016
Acceptance of collaborative robots by factory workers: a pilot study on the importance of social cues of anthropomorphic robots
B Elprama, I El Makrini, A Jacobs
International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication 7, 2016
Effect of video lag on laparoscopic surgery: correlation between performance and usability at low latencies
A Kumcu, L Vermeulen, SA Elprama, P Duysburgh, L Platiša, ...
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2017
Managing multimorbidity: identifying design requirements for a digital self-management tool to support older adults with multiple chronic conditions
J Doyle, E Murphy, J Kuiper, S Smith, C Hannigan, A Jacobs, J Dinsmore
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Walking the interface: uncovering practices through proxy technology assessment
J Pierson, A Jacobs, K Dreessen, B Lievens, I Van den Broeck, ...
Proc. of EPIC 2006, 40-54, 2006
Speckle disturbance limit in laser-based cinema projection systems
G Verschaffelt, S Roelandt, Y Meuret, W Van den Broeck, K Kilpi, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 14105, 2015
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