Deborah A. Cronin
Deborah A. Cronin
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Drake University
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Towards a better understanding of parallel visual processing in human vision: Evidence for exhaustive analysis of visual information.
S Buetti, DA Cronin, AM Madison, Z Wang, A Lleras
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (6), 672, 2016
Eye movements in real-world scene photographs: General characteristics and effects of viewing task
DA Cronin, EH Hall, JE Goold, TR Hayes, JM Henderson
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2915, 2020
Visual and verbal working memory loads interfere with scene-viewing
DA Cronin, CE Peacock, JM Henderson
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82 (6), 2814-2820, 2020
Visual working memory supports perceptual stability across saccadic eye movements.
DA Cronin, DE Irwin
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44 (11 …, 2018
Meaning and expected surfaces combine to guide attention during visual search in scenes
CE Peacock, DA Cronin, TR Hayes, JM Henderson
Journal of Vision 21 (11), 1-1, 2021
The visual world in sight and mind: How attention and memory interact to determine visual experience
JR Brockmole, CC Davoli, DA Cronin
Psychology of Learning and Motivation 57, 103-145, 2012
Working memory control predicts fixation duration in scene-viewing
Z Loh, EH Hall, D Cronin, JM Henderson
Psychological research 87 (4), 1143-1154, 2023
Evaluating the influence of a fixated object’s spatio-temporal properties on gaze control
DA Cronin, JR Brockmole
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 996-1003, 2016
Variable Biases: A Study of Scientists? Interpretation of Plot Types Commonly Used in Scientific Communication.
LE Matzen, KM Divis, MJ Haass, D Cronin
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2020
Perceptual biases in scatterplot interpretation
KM Divis, LE Matzen, MJ Haass, DA Cronin
Visualization Psychology, 273-291, 2023
Task matters when scanning data visualizations
LE Matzen, KM Divis, DA Cronin, MJ Haass
Visualization Psychology, 263-272, 2023
Conference Presentations [From the Editor]
JP How
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 36 (1), 3-4, 2016
Towards a better understanding of the role of parallel attention in visual search.
A Lleras, A Madison, D Cronin, Z Wang, S Buetti
Journal of vision 15 (12), 1255-1255, 2015
Scene gist and local meaning guide attention and build memory representations: Evidence from mouse-clicks
D Cronin, KW Choe, JM Henderson
PsyArXiv, 2023
Meaning guides clicks like fixations and drives memory for real-world scenes
D Cronin, J Henderson
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2823-2823, 2021
Meaning and expected surfaces combine to guide
CE Peacock, DA Cronin, TR Hayes, JM Henderson
A post-saccade blank interferes with transsaccadic displacement detection in real-world scenes
D Cronin, J Henderson
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 1324-1324, 2020
Oh, the number of things you will process (in parallel)!
A Lleras, DA Cronin, AM Madison, M Wang, S Buetti
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, 2017
The Information Theory of Vision: evidence from eye-movements
DA Cronin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015
The Information Theory of Vision: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
D Cronin, A Lleras, S Buetti
Journal of Vision 15 (12), 959-959, 2015
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Articles 1–20