Kevin Clarno
Kevin Clarno
Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin
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Assessment of candidate molten salt coolants for the advanced high temperature reactor (AHTR)
DF Williams
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2006
Denovo: A new three-dimensional parallel discrete ordinates code in SCALE
TM Evans, AS Stafford, RN Slaybaugh, KT Clarno
Nuclear technology 171 (2), 171-200, 2010
The virtual environment for reactor applications (VERA): design and architecture
JA Turner, K Clarno, M Sieger, R Bartlett, B Collins, R Pawlowski, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 326, 544-568, 2016
VERA core simulator methodology for pressurized water reactor cycle depletion
B Kochunas, B Collins, S Stimpson, R Salko, D Jabaay, A Graham, Y Liu, ...
Nuclear Science and Engineering 185 (1), 217-231, 2017
Evaluation of salt coolants for reactor applications
DF Williams, KT Clarno
Nuclear technology 163 (3), 330-343, 2008
An assessment of coupling algorithms for nuclear reactor core physics simulations
S Hamilton, M Berrill, K Clarno, R Pawlowski, A Toth, CT Kelley, T Evans, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 311, 241-257, 2016
Trade Studies on the Liquid-Salt-Cooled Very High-Temperature Reactor: Fiscal Year 2006 Progress Report
DT Ingersoll, CW Forsberg, PE MacDonald, KT Clarno
ORNL/TM-2006/140, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2007
Coupled thermochemical, isotopic evolution and heat transfer simulations in highly irradiated UO2 nuclear fuel
MHA Piro, J Banfield, KT Clarno, S Simunovic, TM Besmann, BJ Lewis, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 441 (1-3), 240-251, 2013
Analysis of Anderson acceleration on a simplified neutronics/thermal hydraulics system
A Toth, CT Kelley, SR Slattery, SP Hamilton, KT Clarno, RPP Pawlowski
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Consortium for …, 2015
VERA Benchmarking Results for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycles 1-12
A Godfrey, B Collins, KS Kim, J Powers, R Salko, S Stimpson, ...
Physics of Reactors 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st …, 2016
Capturing the effects of unlike neighbors in single-assembly calculations
KT Clarno, ML Adams
Nuclear science and engineering 149 (2), 182-196, 2005
Implementation of two-level coarse-mesh finite difference acceleration in an arbitrary geometry, two-dimensional discrete ordinates transport method
Z Zhong, TJ Downar, Y Xu, MD DeHart, KT Clarno
Nuclear science and engineering 158 (3), 289-298, 2008
The AMP (Advanced MultiPhysics) nuclear fuel performance code
KT Clarno, B Philip, WK Cochran, RS Sampath, S Allu, P Barai, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 252, 108-120, 2012
High fidelity modeling of pellet-clad interaction using the CASL virtual environment for reactor applications
KT Clarno, RP Pawlowski, RO Montgomery, TM Evans, BS Collins, ...
Mathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and …, 2015
VERA core simulator methodology for PWR cycle depletion
B Kochunas, BS Collins, D Jabaay, KS Kim, A Graham, S Stimpson, ...
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Oak Ridge …, 2015
Coupled neutronics and thermal-hydraulic solution of a full core PWR using VERA-CS
S Palmtag, K Clarno, G Davidson, R Salko, T Evans, J Turner, R Schmidt
Proceedings of PHYSOR, 2014
Development of the multigroup cross section library for the CASL neutronics simulator MPACT: Method and procedure
KS Kim, ML Williams, D Wiarda, KT Clarno
Annals of Nuclear Energy 133, 46-58, 2019
Pellet-clad mechanical interaction screening using VERA applied to Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycles 1–3
S Stimpson, J Powers, K Clarno, R Pawlowski, R Gardner, S Novascone, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 327, 172-186, 2018
Design Study for a Low-Enriched Uranium Core for the High Flux Isotope Reactor, Annual Report for FY 2008
T Primm, D Chandler, G Ilas, JH Miller, JD Sease, BC Jolly
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). High Flux …, 2009
Trade studies for the liquid-salt-cooled very high-temperature reactor: fiscal year 2006 progress report
KT Clarno, CW Forsberg, JC Gehin, CO Slater, JJ Carbajo, DF Williams, ...
ORNL/TM-2006 140, 35, 2007
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Articles 1–20