Halima Bensmail
Halima Bensmail
Principal Scientist, QCRI and Joint professor HBKU and Visiting Full Professor, TAMUQ
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Cited by
Inference in model-based cluster analysis
H Bensmail, G Celeux, AE Raftery, CP Robert
statistics and Computing 7, 1-10, 1997
Regularized Gaussian discriminant analysis through eigenvalue decomposition
H Bensmail, G Celeux
Journal of the American statistical Association 91 (436), 1743-1748, 1996
DeepSol: a deep learning framework for sequence-based protein solubility prediction
S Khurana, R Rawi, K Kunji, GY Chuang, H Bensmail, R Mall
Bioinformatics 34 (15), 2605-2613, 2018
Multiple graph regularized nonnegative matrix factorization
JJY Wang, H Bensmail, X Gao
Pattern Recognition 46 (10), 2840-2847, 2013
Comprehensive review and assessment of computational methods for predicting RNA post-transcriptional modification sites from RNA sequences
Z Chen, P Zhao, F Li, Y Wang, AI Smith, GI Webb, T Akutsu, A Baggag, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 21 (5), 1676-1696, 2020
Detection and classification of defect patterns on semiconductor wafers
CH Wang, W Kuo, H Bensmail
IIE transactions 38 (12), 1059-1068, 2006
KNNOR: An oversampling technique for imbalanced datasets
A Islam, SB Belhaouari, AU Rehman, H Bensmail
Applied soft computing 115, 108288, 2022
Novel multi center and threshold ternary pattern based method for disease detection method using voice
T Tuncer, S Dogan, F Özyurt, SB Belhaouari, H Bensmail
IEEE Access 8, 84532-84540, 2020
Gene expression data classification with kernel principal component analysis
Z Liu, D Chen, H Bensmail
BioMed Research International 2005 (2), 155-159, 2005
Computational prediction and interpretation of both general and specific types of promoters in Escherichia coli by exploiting a stacked ensemble-learning framework
F Li, J Chen, Z Ge, Y Wen, Y Yue, M Hayashida, A Baggag, H Bensmail, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 22 (2), 2126-2140, 2021
Exploring new approaches towards the formability of mixed-ion perovskites by DFT and machine learning
H Park, R Mall, FH Alharbi, S Sanvito, N Tabet, H Bensmail, F El-Mellouhi
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (3), 1078-1088, 2019
Feature selection and multi-kernel learning for sparse representation on a manifold
JJY Wang, H Bensmail, X Gao
Neural Networks 51, 9-16, 2014
Bioinformatics and data mining in proteomics
A Haoudi, H Bensmail
Expert Review of Proteomics 3 (3), 333-343, 2006
A novel approach for clustering proteomics data using Bayesian fast Fourier transform
H Bensmail, J Golek, MM Moody, JO Semmes, A Haoudi
Bioinformatics 21 (10), 2210-2224, 2005
Joint learning and weighting of visual vocabulary for bag-of-feature based tissue classification
JJY Wang, H Bensmail, X Gao
Pattern Recognition 46 (12), 3249-3255, 2013
A comparison of multiple linear regression and quantile regression for modeling the internal bond of medium density fiber-board
TM Young, LB Shaffer, FM Guess, H Bensmail, RV León
Forest Products Journal 58 (4), 39, 2008
Postgenomics: proteomics and bioinformatics in cancer research
H Bensmail, A Haoudi
BioMed Research International 2003 (4), 217-230, 2003
Machine learning accelerated recovery of the cubic structure in mixed-cation perovskite thin films
A Ali, H Park, R Mall, B Aïssa, S Sanvito, H Bensmail, A Belaidi, ...
Chemistry of Materials 32 (7), 2998-3006, 2020
DeepCrystal: a deep learning framework for sequence-based protein crystallization prediction
A Elbasir, B Moovarkumudalvan, K Kunji, PR Kolatkar, R Mall, H Bensmail
Bioinformatics 35 (13), 2216-2225, 2019
RGBM: regularized gradient boosting machines for identification of the transcriptional regulators of discrete glioma subtypes
R Mall, L Cerulo, L Garofano, V Frattini, K Kunji, H Bensmail, TS Sabedot, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (7), e39-e39, 2018
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Articles 1–20