Jukka Kortelainen
Jukka Kortelainen
Senior Research Fellow, University of Oulu, Finland
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Cited by
Multi-modal emotion analysis from facial expressions and electroencephalogram
X Huang, J Kortelainen, G Zhao, X Li, A Moilanen, T Seppänen, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 147, 114-124, 2016
Real-time monitoring of human blood-brain barrier disruption
V Kiviniemi, V Korhonen, J Kortelainen, S Rytky, T Keinänen, T Tuovinen, ...
PloS one 12 (3), e0174072, 2017
Experimental comparison of connectivity measures with simulated EEG signals
MJ Silfverhuth, H Hintsala, J Kortelainen, T Seppänen
Medical & biological engineering & computing 50, 683-688, 2012
Effects of remifentanil on the spectrum and quantitative parameters of electroencephalogram in propofol anesthesia
J Kortelainen, M Koskinen, S Mustola, T Seppänen
Anesthesiology 111 (3), 574-583, 2009
Multimodal emotion recognition by combining physiological signals and facial expressions: a preliminary study
J Kortelainen, S Tiinanen, X Huang, X Li, S Laukka, M Pietikäinen, ...
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Depth of anesthesia during multidrug infusion: separating the effects of propofol and remifentanil using the spectral features of EEG
J Kortelainen, E Väyrynen, T Seppänen
IEEE Transactions on biomedical engineering 58 (5), 1216-1223, 2011
EEG-based recognition of video-induced emotions: selecting subject-independent feature set
J Kortelainen, T Seppänen
2013 35th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2013
Isomap approach to EEG-based assessment of neurophysiological changes during anesthesia
J Kortelainen, E Vayrynen, T Seppanen
Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 19 (2 …, 2011
Classifier-based learning of nonlinear feature manifold for visualization of emotional speech prosody
E Väyrynen, J Kortelainen, T Seppänen
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 4 (1), 47-56, 2012
Increased electroencephalographic gamma activity reveals awakening from isoflurane anaesthesia in rats
J Kortelainen, X Jia, T Seppänen, N Thakor
British journal of anaesthesia 109 (5), 782-789, 2012
Invariant trajectory classification of dynamical systems with a case study on ECG
K Noponen, J Kortelainen, T Seppänen
Pattern Recognition 42 (9), 1832-1844, 2009
High‐Frequency Electroencephalographic Activity in Left Temporal Area Is Associated with Pleasant Emotion Induced by Video Clips
J Kortelainen, E Väyrynen, T Seppänen
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2015 (1), 762769, 2015
EEG frequency progression during induction of anesthesia: from start of infusion to onset of burst suppression pattern
J Kortelainen, M Koskinen, S Mustola, T Seppanen
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
Multimodal spatio-temporal-spectral fusion for deep learning applications in physiological time series processing: A case study in monitoring the depth of anesthesia
N Bahador, J Jokelainen, S Mustola, J Kortelainen
Information Fusion 73, 125-143, 2021
Electrocardiogram quality classification based on robust best subsets linear prediction error
K Noponen, M Karsikas, S Tiinanen, J Kortelainen, H Huikuri, ...
2011 Computing in Cardiology, 365-368, 2011
Deep learning–based multimodal data fusion: Case study in food intake episodes detection using wearable sensors
N Bahador, D Ferreira, S Tamminen, J Kortelainen
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (1), e21926, 2021
Natural progression of spinal cord transection injury and reorganization of neural pathways
A Vipin, XY Thow, H Mir, J Kortelainen, J Manivannan, H Al-Nashash, ...
Journal of Neurotrauma 33 (24), 2191-2201, 2016
A characteristic time sequence of epileptic activity in EEG during dynamic penicillin-induced focal epilepsy—A preliminary study
MJ Silfverhuth, J Kortelainen, J Ruohonen, K Suominen, J Niinimäki, ...
Seizure 20 (7), 513-519, 2011
Pilot study of propofol-induced slow waves as a pharmacologic test for brain dysfunction after brain injury
J Kortelainen, E Väyrynen, U Huuskonen, J Laurila, J Koskenkari, ...
Anesthesiology 126 (1), 94-103, 2017
The effect of anaesthesia on somatosensory evoked potential measurement in a rat model
J Kortelainen, H Al-Nashash, A Vipin, XY Thow, A All
Laboratory animals 50 (1), 63-66, 2016
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Articles 1–20