Ana Paula Appel
Ana Paula Appel
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Hadi: Mining radii of large graphs
U Kang, CE Tsourakakis, AP Appel, C Faloutsos, J Leskovec
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 5 (2), 1-24, 2011
Method and system for temporal sampling in evolving network
AP Appel, VF Cavalcante, LG Moyano, VF De Santana
US Patent 10,110,449, 2018
Hadi: Fast diameter estimation and mining in massive graphs with hadoop
U Kang, C Tsourakakis, AP Appel, C Faloutsos, J Leskovec
ACM Trasactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 5 (2), 8, 2008
Radius plots for mining tera-byte scale graphs: Algorithms, patterns, and observations
U Kang, CE Tsourakakis, AP Appel, C Faloutsos, J Leskovec
Proceedings of the 2010 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 548-558, 2010
Large-scale multi-agent-based modeling and simulation of microblogging-based online social network
M Gatti, P Cavalin, SB Neto, C Pinhanez, C dos Santos, D Gribel, ...
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XIV: International Workshop, MABS 2013, Saint …, 2014
A simulation-based approach to analyze the information diffusion in microblogging online social network
MA de C Gatti, AP Appel, CN Dos Santos, CS Pinhanez, PR Cavalin, ...
2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), 1685-1696, 2013
Temporally evolving community detection and prediction in content-centric networks
AP Appel, RLF Cunha, CC Aggarwal, MM Terakado
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2019
Prophet--a link-predictor to learn new rules on nell
AP Appel, ERH Junior
2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 917-924, 2011
Dynamic cognitive user interface
AP Appel, HCSP Candello, VF De Santana
US Patent 11,025,741, 2021
Improving out-of-scope detection in intent classification by using embeddings of the word graph space of the classes
P Cavalin, VHA Ribeiro, A Appel, C Pinhanez
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2020
Cognitive computing: Where big data is driving us
AP Appel, H Candello, FL Gandour
Handbook of big data technologies, 807-850, 2017
Method and system for simulation of online social network
AP Appel, MA de Cerqueira Gatti, SMB Neto, CS Pinhanez, ...
US Patent App. 13/887,354, 2014
Automatically detecting lost sales
AP Appel, MA de Cerqueira Gatti, RA De Paula
US Patent App. 13/566,253, 2014
Role-based tracking and surveillance
AP Appel, MA de Cerqueira Gatti, RA De Paula, CS Pinhanez
US Patent 9,613,277, 2017
Automatically detecting lost sales due to an out-of-shelf condition in a retail environment
AP Appel, MA de Cerqueira Gatti, RA de Paula
US Patent App. 13/613,865, 2014
Shatterplots: Fast tools for mining large graphs
AP Appel, R Kumar, D Chakrabarti, J Leskovec, C Faloutsos, A Tomkins
Proceedings of the 2009 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 802-813, 2009
iDFQL: a query-based tool to help the teching process of the relational algebra
AP Appel, EQ Silva, C Traina Junior, AJM Traina
Proceedings, 2004
Assisting people with understanding charts
AP Appel, PR Cavalin, VF Santana
US Patent 10,025,980, 2018
Predicting user question in question and answer system
AP Appel, AG Leal, RFS Souza
US Patent 10,607,146, 2020
Autonomously reviewing and validating the knowledge base of a never-ending learning system
SDS Pedro, AP Appel, ER Hruschka Jr
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 1195-1204, 2013
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Articles 1–20