Stefan Holmlid
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Cited by
Bringing service design to service sciences, management and engineering
S Holmlid, S Evenson
Service science, management and engineering education for the 21st century …, 2008
Design for value co-creation: Exploring synergies between design for service and service logic
K Wetter-Edman, D Sangiorgi, B Edvardsson, S Holmlid, C Grönroos, ...
Service Science 6 (2), 106-121, 2014
Participative, co-operative, emancipatory: From participatory design to service design
S Holmlid
First Nordic Conference on service design and service innovation 53, 2009
Interaction design and service design: Expanding a comparison of design disciplines
S Holmlid
Service design research: yesterday, today and tomorrow
J Blomkvist, S Holmlid, F Segelström
BIS Publishers, 2010
Service prototyping according to service design practitioners
J Blomkvist, S Holmlid
Conference Proceedings, ServDes. 2010, Exchanging Knowledge, Linköping …, 2010
Visualizations as tools for research: Service Designers on visualizations
F Segelström, S Holmlid
Existing prototyping perspectives: considerations for service design
J Blomkvist, S Holmlid
Nordes, 2011
Thinking and doing ethnography in service design
F Segelström, B Raijmakers, S Holmlid
IASDR, Rigor and Relevance in Design. Seoul, 2009
Prototyping and enacting services: Lessons learned from human-centered methods
S Holmlid, S Evenson
Proceedings from the 10th Quality in Services conference, QUIS 10, 2007
Embracing complexity: A transdisciplinary conceptual framework for understanding behavior change in the context of development-focused interventions
F Lambe, Y Ran, M Jürisoo, S Holmlid, C Muhoza, O Johnson, M Osborne
World Development 126, 104703, 2020
Co-creative practices in service innovation
S Holmlid, T Mattelmäki, FS Visser, K Vaajakallio
The handbook of service innovation, 545-574, 2015
Adapting users: Towards a theory of use quality
S Holmlid
Service design as a transformational driver toward person-centered care in healthcare
L Malmberg, V Rodrigues, L Lännerström, K Wetter-Edman, J Vink, ...
Service design and service thinking in healthcare and hospital management …, 2019
Service design as an innovation approach in technology startups: a longitudinal multiple case study
AK Korper, L Patrício, S Holmlid, L Witell
Creativity and Innovation Management 29 (2), 303-323, 2020
Exploring Service Blueprints for Multiple Actors: A Case Study of Car Parking Services
T Wreiner, I Mårtensson, O Arnell, N Gonzalez, S Holmlid, F Segelström
DeThinking Service, ReThinking Design: The First Nordic Conference on …, 2009
Breaking free from NSD : Design and service beyond new service development
S Holmlid, K Wetter-Edman, B Edvardsson
Designing for Service: Key Issues and New Directions, 95-105, 2017
Ethnography by design: On goals and mediating artefacts
S Segelström, F, Holmlid
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 14 (2), 134-149, 2014
Service design visualisations meet service theory: strengths, weaknesses and perspectives
F Segelström, S Holmlid
Proceedings of Art & Science of Service, San Jose, California, 1-18, 2011
Cognitive work analysis in the conceptual design of first-of-a-kind systems–designing urban air traffic management
J Lundberg, M Arvola, C Westin, S Holmlid, M Nordvall, B Josefsson
Behaviour & Information Technology 37 (9), 904-925, 2018
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Articles 1–20