ann Lantz
Cited by
Cited by
User centered design—problems and possibilities: a summary of the 1998 PDC & CSCW workshop
J Gulliksen, A Lantz, I Boivie
ACM SIGCHI Bulletin 31 (2), 25-35, 1999
Meetings in a distributed group of experts: Comparing face-to-face, chat and collaborative virtual environments
A Lantz
Behaviour & Information Technology 20 (2), 111-117, 2001
Accessibility to electronic communication for people with cognitive disabilities: a systematic search and review of empirical evidence
J Borg, A Lantz, J Gulliksen
Universal Access in the Information Society 14 (4), 547-562, 2015
Digitaliseringen och arbetsmiljön
A Lantz, J Gulliksen, Å Walldius, B Sandblad, C Åborg
Studentlitteratur AB, 2018
Heavy users of electronic mail
A Lantz
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 10 (4), 361-379, 1998
Design versus design-from the shaping of products to the creation of user experiences
J Gulliksen, A Lantz
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 15 (1), 5-20, 2003
Digital arbetsmiljö
J Gulliksen, A Lantz, Å Walldius, B Sandblad, C Åborg
Arbetsmiljöverket, 2015
User participation when users have mental and cognitive disabilities
S Johansson, J Gulliksen, A Lantz
Proceedings of the 17th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers …, 2015
Does the use of e-mail change over time?
A Lantz
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 15 (3), 419-431, 2003
The glass box user model for filtering
J Karlgren, K Höök, A Lantz, J Palme, D Pargman
Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 1994
Mutual capacity building through north-south collaboration using challenge-driven education
AK Högfeldt, A Rosén, C Mwase, A Lantz, L Gumaelius, E Shayo, ...
Sustainability 11 (24), 7236, 2019
Interaction design as experienced by practitioners
A Lantz, H Artman, R Ramberg
Nordes, 2005
Cognitive accessibility for mentally disabled persons
S Johansson, J Gulliksen, A Lantz
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2015: 15th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2015
The world wide Web as a social infrastructure for knowledge-oriented work
KS Eklundh, K Groth, A Hedman, A Lantz, H Rodriguez, EL Sallnäs
na, 2003
How to make user centred design usable
J Gulliksen, A Lantz, I Boivie
SIGCHI Bulletin 33 (3), 16-31, 2001
Connecting North and South through Challenge Driven Education
A Rosén, AK Högfeldt, A Lantz, L Gumaelius, R Wyss, MN Bergendahl, ...
Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference, Kanazawa Institute of …, 2018
Exploring the use of design pattern maps for aligning new technical support to new clinical team meeting routines
CÅ Walldius, A Lantz
Behaviour & Information Technology 32 (1), 68-79, 2013
Medicine meets engineering in cooperative design of collaborative decision-supportive system
O Frykholm, A Lantz, K Groth, Å Walldius
2010 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2010
Understanding engineering education change with the introduction of challenge driven education in Tanzania
AK Högfeldt, L Gumaelius, A Lantz, S Lujara
2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1335-1343, 2018
Computer mediated communication in a work context: an interdisciplinary approach
A Lantz
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Articles 1–20