Naratip Santitissadeekorn
Naratip Santitissadeekorn
Senior Lecturer in Data Assimilation, University of Surrey
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Cited by
Transport in time-dependent dynamical systems: Finite-time coherent sets
G Froyland, N Santitissadeekorn, A Monahan
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 20 (4), 2010
Coherent sets for nonautonomous dynamical systems
G Froyland, S Lloyd, N Santitissadeekorn
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 239 (16), 1527-1541, 2010
Applied and computational measurable dynamics
EM Bollt, N Santitissadeekorn
Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 2013
Three-dimensional characterization and tracking of an Agulhas Ring
G Froyland, C Horenkamp, V Rossi, N Santitissadeekorn, AS Gupta
Ocean Modelling 52, 69-75, 2012
Optimally coherent sets in geophysical flows: A transfer-operator approach to delimiting the stratospheric polar vortex
N Santitissadeekorn, G Froyland, A Monahan
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (5 …, 2010
Exploring data assimilation and forecasting issues for an urban crime model
DJB Lloyd, N Santitissadeekorn, MB Short
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 27 (3), 451-478, 2016
Two-stage filtering for joint state-parameter estimation
N Santitissadeekorn, C Jones
Monthly Weather Review 143 (6), 2028-2042, 2015
A coherent structure approach for parameter estimation in Lagrangian Data Assimilation
J Maclean, N Santitissadeekorn, CKRT Jones
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 360, 36-45, 2017
Identifying stochastic basin hopping by partitioning with graph modularity
N Santitissadeekorn, EM Bollt
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 231 (2), 95-107, 2007
Optimal mixing enhancement
G Froyland, N Santitissadeekorn
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 1444-1470, 2017
Calibration of cellular automata urban growth models from urban genesis onwards-a novel application of Markov chain Monte Carlo approximate Bayesian computation
J Yu, A Hagen-Zanker, N Santitissadeekorn, S Hughes
Computers, environment and urban systems 90, 101689, 2021
Approximate filtering of conditional intensity process for Poisson count data: Application to urban crime
N Santitissadeekorn, DJB Lloyd, MB Short, S Delahaies
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 144, 106850, 2020
Characterization of mixing in a simple paddle mixer using experimentally derived velocity fields
D Bohl, A Mehta, N Santitissadeekorn, E Bollt
Sequential data assimilation for 1D self-exciting processes with application to urban crime data
N Santitissadeekorn, MB Short, DJB Lloyd
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 128, 163-183, 2018
Analysis and modeling of an experimental device by finite-time lyapunov exponent method
N Santitissadeekorn, D Bohl, EM Bollt
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19 (03), 993-1006, 2009
The infinitesimal operator for the semigroup of the Frobenius-Perron operator from image sequence data: Vector fields and transport barriers from movies
N Santitissadeekorn, EM Bollt
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 17 (2), 2007
Absolute flux optimising curves of flows on a surface
S Balasuriya, G Froyland, N Santitissadeekorn
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 409 (1), 119-139, 2014
Combining dynamic mode decomposition with ensemble Kalman filtering for tracking and forecasting
SA Falconer, DJB Lloyd, N Santitissadeekorn
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 449, 133741, 2023
A data-driven framework to manage uncertainty due to limited transferability in urban growth models
J Yu, A Hagen-Zanker, N Santitissadeekorn, S Hughes
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 98, 101892, 2022
Ensemble-based method for the inverse Frobenius–Perron operator problem: Data-driven global analysis from spatiotemporal “movie” data
N Santitissadeekorn, EM Bollt
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 411, 132603, 2020
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Articles 1–20