David Levi-Faur
David Levi-Faur
Political Science and Public Policy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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The global diffusion of regulatory capitalism
D Levi-Faur
The annals of the American academy of political and social science 598 (1 …, 2005
The Politics of Regulation: Institutions and Regulatory Reforms for the Age of Governance
Edward Elgar Pub, 2004
Regulation and regulatory governance
D Levi-Faur
Handbook on the Politics of Regulation 1 (1), 1-25, 2011
The Oxford handbook of governance
D Levi-Faur
Oxford University Press, 2012
From “big government” to “big governance”?
D Levi-Faur
The Global Diffusion of Regulatory Agencies Channels of Transfer and Stages of Diffusion
J Jordana, D Levi-Faur, XF i Marin
Comparative Political Studies 44 (10), 1343-1369, 2011
The politics of regulation in the age of governance
J Jordana, D Levi-Faur
The politics of regulation: Institutions and regulatory reforms for the age …, 2004
Regulatory networks and regulatory agencification: towards a Single European Regulatory Space
D Levi-Faur
Agency Governance in the EU, 32-51, 2013
Theorizing regulatory intermediaries: The RIT model
KW Abbott, D Levi-Faur, D Snidal
The ANNALS of the American academy of political and social science 670 (1 …, 2017
The diffusion of regulatory capitalism in Latin America: Sectoral and national channels in the making of a new order
J Jordana, D Levi-Faur
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 598 (1 …, 2005
Can regulation and governance make a difference?
J Braithwaite, C Coglianese, D Levi-Faur
Regul. & Governance 1, 1, 2007
Handbook on the Politics of Regulation
D Levi-Faur
Edward Elgar, 2011
The rise of regulatory capitalism: The global diffusion of a new order
D Levi-Faur, J Jordana
The annals of the American academy of political and social science 598 (1 …, 2005
The odyssey of the regulatory state: From a “thin” monomorphic concept to a “thick” and polymorphic concept
D Levi‐Faur
Law & Policy 35 (1-2), 29-50, 2013
The politics of liberalisation: Privatisation and regulation‐for‐competition in Europe's and Latin America's telecoms and electricity industries
D Levi‐Faur
European Journal of Political Research 42 (5), 705-740, 2003
Friedrich List and the political economy of the nation-state
D Levi-Faur
Review of International Political Economy 4 (1), 154-178, 1997
The welfare state: A regulatory perspective
D Levi‐Faur
Public Administration 92 (3), 599-614, 2014
On the “net impact” of Europeanization: The EU’s telecoms and electricity regimes between the global and the national
D Levi-Faur
Comparative Political Studies 37 (1), 3-29, 2004
Toward a Latin American regulatory state? The diffusion of autonomous regulatory agencies across countries and sectors
D Levi-Faur, J Jordana
Intl Journal of Public Administration 29 (4-6), 335-366, 2006
The Governance of Competition: the interplay of technology, economics, and politics in European Union electricity and telecom regimes
D Levi-Faur
Journal of Public policy 19 (2), 175-207, 1999
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