Fernanda Mediano Stoltze
Fernanda Mediano Stoltze
Other namesFernanda Mediano, F Mediano
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Cited by
Governmental policies to reduce unhealthy food marketing to children
LS Taillie, E Busey, FM Stoltze, FR Dillman Carpentier
Nutrition reviews 77 (11), 787-816, 2019
Prevalence of child-directed marketing on breakfast cereal packages before and after Chile’s food marketing law: a pre-and post-quantitative content analysis
F Mediano Stoltze, M Reyes, TL Smith, T Correa, C Corvalán, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (22), 4501, 2019
Impact of warning labels on reducing health halo effects of nutrient content claims on breakfast cereal packages: A mixed-measures experiment
FM Stoltze, E Busey, LS Taillie, FRD Carpentier
Appetite 163, 105229, 2021
Prevalence of child-directed and general audience marketing strategies on the front of beverage packaging: the case of Chile
FM Stoltze, JO Barker, R Kanter, C Corvalán, M Reyes, LS Taillie, ...
Public health nutrition 21 (3), 454-464, 2018
Etapas del cambio, motivaciones y barreras relacionadas con el consumo de frutas y verduras y la actividad física en madres de preescolares atendidas en centros de atención …
L Meléndez, S Olivares, L Lera, F Mediano
Revista chilena de nutrición 38 (4), 466-475, 2011
Restricting child-directed ads is effective, but adding a time-based ban is better: evaluating a multi-phase regulation to protect children from unhealthy food marketing on …
FR Dillman Carpentier, F Mediano Stoltze, M Reyes, LS Taillie, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 20 (1), 62, 2023
Examining the news media reaction to a national sugary beverage tax in South Africa: a quantitative content analysis
M Essman, FM Stoltze, FD Carpentier, EC Swart, LS Taillie
BMC public health 21, 1-14, 2021
Intervención en alimentación y nutrición para mineros con factores de riesgo cardiovascular, basada en la investigación formativa
A Caichac, F Mediano, G Blanco, L Lera, CG Yáñez, S Olivares
Revista chilena de nutrición 40 (4), 336-342, 2013
Insatisfacción corporal, creencias sobre control del peso y consumo de cigarrillos en jóvenes
F Mediano-Stoltze, PB Repetto, Y Molina
terapia psicolÓgica 31 (2), 155-163, 2013
How are intra-household dynamics, gender roles and time availability related to food access and children's diet quality during the Covid-19 lockdown?
I Pemjean, P Hernández, F Mediano, C Corvalán
Social Science & Medicine 345, 116661, 2024
The Chilean experience of FOP development, implementation and impact
M Reyes, C Corvalan, T Correa, F Dillman, F Mediano, BM Popkin, ...
Diseño y validación de la imagen para la difusión e implementación de las guías alimentarias para la población chilena
SO Cortés, IZ Hasbún, CGG González, LF Morán, FM Stoltze, ...
Nutrición Hospitalaria 32 (2), 582-589, 2015
Prevalence of health and nutrient content marketing strategies on breakfast cereal packages before and after a countrywide marketing and labeling regulation: A focus on Chile
FM Stoltze, M Reyes, LS Taillie, T Correa, C Corvalan, FD Carpentier
Current Developments in Nutrition 4, nzaa064_013, 2020
Diseño y validación de la imagen para la difusión e implementación de las guías alimentarias para la población chilena
S Olivares Cortés, I Zacarías Hasbún, CG González González, ...
Nutrición Hospitalaria 32 (2), 582-589, 2015
Beverage industry TV advertising shifts after a stepwise mandatory food marketing restriction: achievements and challenges with regulating the food marketing environment
FM Stoltze, T Correa, CLC Aguilar, LS Taillie, M Reyes, FRD Carpentier
Public Health Nutrition 27 (1), e26, 2024
Food access, domestic environments, and dietary quality of low-middle income Chilean children during the COVID-19 pandemic
I Pemjean, F Mediano, P Ferrer, ML Garmendia, C Corvalan
Frontiers in Public Health 11, 1164357, 2023
Framing a new nutrition policy: changes on key stakeholder’s discourses throughout the implementation of the Chilean food labelling law
F Mediano, C Fierro, C Corvalán, M Reyes, T Correa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (9), 5700, 2023
Examining the news media reaction to a national sugary beverage tax in South Africa: a quantitative content analysis
M Essman, FM Stoltze, FD Carpentier, R Swart, LS Taillie
Current Developments in Nutrition 4, nzaa064_003, 2020
Comprehensive mandatory policies are needed to fully protect all children from unhealthy food marketing
FR Dillman Carpentier, FM Stoltze, BM Popkin
PLoS Medicine 20 (9), e1004291, 2023
Examining the news media reaction to a national sugary beverage tax in South Africa: A quantitative content analysis
EC Swart, M Essman, FM Stoltze
Springer Nature, 2021
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Articles 1–20