Bart Vanrumste
Bart Vanrumste
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Review on solving the inverse problem in EEG source analysis
R Grech, T Cassar, J Muscat, KP Camilleri, SG Fabri, M Zervakis, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 5, 1-33, 2008
Review on solving the forward problem in EEG source analysis
H Hallez, B Vanrumste, R Grech, J Muscat, W De Clercq, A Vergult, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 4, 1-29, 2007
Canonical correlation analysis applied to remove muscle artifacts from the electroencephalogram
W De Clercq, A Vergult, B Vanrumste, W Van Paesschen, S Van Huffel
IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53 (12), 2583-2587, 2006
EEG/MEG source imaging: methods, challenges, and open issues
K Wendel, O Väisänen, J Malmivuo, NG Gencer, B Vanrumste, P Durka, ...
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2009 (1), 656092, 2009
Removal of muscle artifacts from EEG recordings of spoken language production
DM Vos, S Riès, K Vanderperren, B Vanrumste, FX Alario, VS Huffel, ...
Neuroinformatics 8, 135-150, 2010
Validation of ICA as a tool to remove eye movement artifacts from EEG/ERP
M Mennes, H Wouters, B Vanrumste, L Lagae, P Stiers
Psychophysiology 47 (6), 1142-1150, 2010
The SINS Database for Detection of Daily Activities in a Home Environment Using an Acoustic Sensor Network.
G Dekkers, S Lauwereins, B Thoen, MW Adhana, H Brouckxon, ...
DCASE, 32-36, 2017
An exemplar-based NMF approach to audio event detection
JF Gemmeke, L Vuegen, P Karsmakers, B Vanrumste
2013 IEEE workshop on applications of signal processing to audio and …, 2013
Non-EEG seizure detection systems and potential SUDEP prevention: state of the art: review and update
A Van de Vel, K Cuppens, B Bonroy, M Milosevic, K Jansen, S Van Huffel, ...
Seizure 41, 141-153, 2016
Non-EEG seizure-detection systems and potential SUDEP prevention: state of the art
A Van de Vel, K Cuppens, B Bonroy, M Milosevic, K Jansen, S Van Huffel, ...
Seizure 22 (5), 345-355, 2013
A finite difference method with reciprocity used to incorporate anisotropy in electroencephalogram dipole source localization
H Hallez, B Vanrumste, P Van Hese, Y D'Asseler, I Lemahieu, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 50 (16), 3787, 2005
Removal of BCG artifacts from EEG recordings inside the MR scanner: a comparison of methodological and validation-related aspects
K Vanderperren, M De Vos, JR Ramautar, N Novitskiy, M Mennes, ...
Neuroimage 50 (3), 920-934, 2010
Improving the interpretation of ictal scalp EEG: BSS–CCA algorithm for muscle artifact removal
A Vergult, W De Clercq, A Palmini, B Vanrumste, P Dupont, S Van Huffel, ...
Epilepsia 48 (5), 950-958, 2007
Dipole location errors in electroencephalogram source analysis due to volume conductor model errors
B Vanrumste, G Van Hoey, R Van de Walle, M D'havé, I Lemahieu, ...
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 38, 528-534, 2000
The validation of the finite difference method and reciprocity for solving the inverse problem in EEG dipole source analysis
B Vanrumste, G Van Hoey, R Van de Walle, MRP D'Havè, IA Lemahieu, ...
Brain topography 14, 83-92, 2001
Automated detection of tonic–clonic seizures using 3-d accelerometry and surface electromyography in pediatric patients
M Milošević, A Van de Vel, B Bonroy, B Ceulemans, L Lagae, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 20 (5), 1333-1341, 2015
Ictal source localization in presurgical patients with refractory epilepsy
P Boon, M D’Havé, B Vanrumste, G Van Hoey, K Vonck, ...
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 19 (5), 461-468, 2002
Dipole estimation errors due to differences in modeling anisotropic conductivities in realistic head models for EEG source analysis
H Hallez, B Vanrumste, P Van Hese, S Delputte, I Lemahieu
Physics in Medicine & Biology 53 (7), 1877, 2008
The BOLD correlates of the visual P1 and N1 in single-trial analysis of simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings during a spatial detection task
N Novitskiy, JR Ramautar, K Vanderperren, M De Vos, M Mennes, ...
Neuroimage 54 (2), 824-835, 2011
Canonical decomposition of ictal scalp EEG and accurate source localisation: Principles and simulation study
M De Vos, L De Lathauwer, B Vanrumste, S Van Huffel, ...
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2007 (1), 058253, 2007
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Articles 1–20