Hadi S. Jomaa
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Do we really need deep learning models for time series forecasting?
S Elsayed, D Thyssens, A Rashed, HS Jomaa, L Schmidt-Thieme
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.02118, 2021
Hyp-rl: Hyperparameter optimization by reinforcement learning
HS Jomaa, J Grabocka, L Schmidt-Thieme
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.11527, 2019
Dataset2vec: Learning dataset meta-features
HS Jomaa, L Schmidt-Thieme, J Grabocka
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 35 (3), 964-985, 2021
Hpo-b: A large-scale reproducible benchmark for black-box hpo based on openml
SP Arango, HS Jomaa, M Wistuba, J Grabocka
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.06257, 2021
A computationally efficient multi-modal classification approach of disaster-related Twitter images
Y Rizk, HS Jomaa, M Awad, C Castillo
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing, 2050-2059, 2019
Handwritten amharic character recognition using a convolutional neural network
MS Gondere, L Schmidt-Thieme, AS Boltena, HS Jomaa
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.12943, 2019
Transfer NAS with meta-learned bayesian surrogates
G Shala, T Elsken, F Hutter, J Grabocka
The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
Zero-shot AutoML with pretrained models
E Öztürk, F Ferreira, H Jomaa, L Schmidt-Thieme, J Grabocka, F Hutter
International Conference on Machine Learning, 17138-17155, 2022
A hybrid convolutional approach for parking availability prediction
HS Jomaa, J Grabocka, L Schmidt-Thieme, A Borek
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019
KerMinSVM for imbalanced datasets with a case study on arabic comics classification
A Nayal, H Jomaa, M Awad
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 59, 159-169, 2017
Semantic and visual cues for humanitarian computing of natural disaster damage images
HS Jomaa, Y Rizk, M Awad
2016 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2016
Multi-task learning curve forecasting across hyperparameter configurations and datasets
S Jawed, H Jomaa, L Schmidt-Thieme, J Grabocka
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track …, 2021
Do we really need deep learning models for time series forecasting?, 2021
S Elsayed, D Thyssens, A Rashed, HS Jomaa, L Schmidt-Thieme
URL https://arxiv. org/abs/2101 2118, 2021
Transfer learning for bayesian hpo with end-to-end landmark meta-features
HS Jomaa, SP Arango, L Schmidt-Thieme, J Grabocka
Fifth Workshop on Meta-Learning at the Conference on Neural Information …, 2021
Hyperparameter optimization with differentiable metafeatures
HS Jomaa, L Schmidt-Thieme, J Grabocka
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.03776, 2021
Panel tracking for the extraction and the classification of speech balloons
HS Jomaa, M Awad, L Ghaibeh
Image Analysis and Processing—ICIAP 2015: 18th International Conference …, 2015
Hyp-rl: Hyperparameter optimization by reinforcement learning. arXiv 2019
HS Jomaa, J Grabocka, L Schmidt-Thieme
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.11527, 0
Balancing a two-wheeled mobile robot using adaptive control
H Al-Jlailaty, H Jomaa, N Daher, D Asmar
2018 IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering …, 2018
Affective Relationship between Color and Text in Arabic Comic Books
HS Jomaa, M Kamereddine, A Nayal, Y Rizk, M Awad
2016 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2016
Exploring the influence of data aggregation in parking prediction
S Elsayed, D Thyssens, S Chamurally, A Tariq, HS Jomaa
Database and Expert Systems Applications: DEXA 2020 International Workshops …, 2020
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