Lucila Lapar
Cited by
Cited by
Mapping of poverty and likely zoonoses hotspots
D Grace, FK Mutua, P Ochungo, RL Kruska, K Jones, L Brierley, ML Lapar, ...
International Livestock Research Institute, 2012
Adoption of soil conservation: the case of the Philippine uplands
MLA Lapar, S Pandey
Agricultural economics 21 (3), 241-256, 1999
Policy options promoting market participation among smallholder livestock producers: a case study from the Phillipines
ML Lapar, G Holloway, S Ehui
Food policy 28 (3), 187-211, 2003
Factors affecting adoption of dual-purpose forages in the Philippine uplands
MLA Lapar, SK Ehui
Agricultural systems 81 (2), 95-114, 2004
Mapping of poverty and likely zoonoses hotspots. Zoonoses Project 4. Report to the UK Department for International Development
D Grace, F Mutua, P Ochungo, R Kruska, K Jones, L Brierley, L Lapar, ...
International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, 2012
How big is your neighbourhood? Spatial implications of market participation among Filipino smallholders
G Holloway, MLA Lapar
Journal of Agricultural Economics 58 (1), 37-60, 2007
Assam's pig sub-sector: current status, constraints and opportunities
RP Deka, WR Thorpe, ML Lapar, A Kumar
International Livestock Research Institute, 2007
Rapid integrated assessment of food safety and nutrition related to pork consumption of regular consumers and mothers with young children in Vietnam
H Nguyen-Viet, S Dang-Xuan, P Pham-Duc, K Roesel, NM Huong, ...
Global Food Security 20, 37-44, 2019
The role of collective action in overcoming barriers to market access by smallholder producers: some empirical evidence from Northern Vietnam
MLA Lapar, VT Binh, NT Son, M Tiongco, M Jabbar, S Staal
Workshop on" Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders, 2-5, 2006
Zoonotic emerging infectious disease in selected countries in Southeast Asia: insights from ecohealth
D Grace, J Gilbert, ML Lapar, F Unger, S Fèvre, H Nguyen-Viet, ...
Ecohealth 8, 55-62, 2011
Hygiene knowledge, attitudes and practices among dairy value chain actors in Assam, north-east India and the impact of a training intervention
JF Lindahl, RP Deka, R Asse, L Lapar, D Grace
Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 8 (1), 1555444, 2018
Smallholder pig value chain development in Vietnam: Situation analysis and trends
NTD Nga, HN Ninh, P Van Hung, ML Lapar
ILRI project report, 2014
Identifying barriers to entry to livestock input and output markets in Southeast Asia
ML Lapar, VT Binh, SK Ehui
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003
Smallholder competitiveness: Insights from pig production systems in Vietnam
ML Lapar, NN Toan, SJ Staal, N Minot, CA Tisdell, NN Que, NDA Tuan
International Livestock Research Institute, 2012
Traditional milk market in Assam: Potential for income and employment generation
A Kumar, SJ Staal, I Baltenweck, ML Lapar
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010
Market outlet choices in the context of changing demand for fresh meat: Implications for smallholder inclusion in pork supply chain in Vietnam
MLA Lapar, NN Toan, NN Que, MA Jabbar, CA Tisdell, SJ Staal
An inclusive and participatory approach to changing policies and practices for improved milk safety in Assam, northeast India
JF Lindahl, RP Deka, D Melin, A Berg, H Lundén, ML Lapar, R Asse, ...
Global food security 17, 9-13, 2018
Scale and access issues affecting smallholder hog producers in an expanding peri-urban market: Southern Luzon, Philippines
A Costales, CL Delgado, MA Catelo, ML Lapar, M Tiongco, SK Ehui, ...
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2006
Quantitative value chain approaches for animal health and food safety
KM Rich, K Dizyee, TTH Nguyen, NH Duong, VH Pham, TDN Nguyen, ...
Food microbiology 75, 103-113, 2018
Natural protection from international competition in the livestock industry: Analysis, examples and Vietnam's pork market as a case
CA Tisdell, MLA Lapar, SJ Staal, NN Que
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Articles 1–20