Frank Zalkow
Frank Zalkow
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
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librosa/librosa: 0.8. 0
B McFee, V Lostanlen, A Metsai, M McVicar, S Balke, C Thomé, C Raffel, ...
Version 0.8. 0, Zenodo, doi 10, 2020
Theme transformer: Symbolic music generation with theme-conditioned transformer
YJ Shih, SL Wu, F Zalkow, M Müller, YH Yang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 25, 3495-3508, 2022
viktorandreevichmorozov, K
B McFee, A Metsai, M McVicar, S Balke, C Thomé, C Raffel, F Zalkow, ...
Moore, R. Bittner, S. Hidaka, Z. Wei, nullmightybofo, D. Herenú, F.-R …, 2020
Schubert Winterreise dataset: A multimodal scenario for music analysis
C Weiß, F Zalkow, V Arifi-Müller, M Müller, HV Koops, A Volk, ...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 14 (2), 1-18, 2021
FMP Notebooks: Educational Material for Teaching and Learning Fundamentals of Music Processing.
M Müller, F Zalkow
ISMIR, 573-580, 2019
A comparison of recent neural vocoders for speech signal reconstruction
P Govalkar, J Fischer, F Zalkow, C Dittmar
Proc. 10th ISCA speech synthesis workshop, 7-12, 2019
librosa/librosa: 0.7. 2
B McFee, V Lostanlen, M McVicar, A Metsai, S Balke, C Thomé, C Raffel, ...
Zenodo, Jan 13, 2020
librosa/librosa: 0.9. 1
B McFee, A Metsai, M McVicar, S Balke, C Thomé, C Raffel, F Zalkow, ...
Zenodo, 2022
librosa/librosa: 0.6. 3
B McFee, M McVicar, S Balke, V Lostanlen, C Thom, C Raffel, D Lee, ...
URL: https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo 2564164, 2019
libfmp: A Python package for fundamentals of music processing
M Müller, F Zalkow
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (63), 3326, 2021
nullmightybofo, P. Friesch, F
B McFee, M McVicar, S Balke, V Lostanlen, C Thom, C Raffel, D Lee, ...
R. Stter, Thassilo, M. Vollrath, SK Golu, nehz, S. Waloschek, Seth, R …, 2019
Learning low-dimensional embeddings of audio shingles for cross-version retrieval of classical music
F Zalkow, M Müller
Applied Sciences 10 (1), 19, 2019
Modeling and Estimating Local Tempo: A Case Study on Chopin's Mazurkas.
H Schreiber, F Zalkow, M Müller
ISMIR, 773-779, 2020
A multi-version approach for transferring measure annotations between music recordings
F Zalkow, C Weiß, T Prätzlich, V Arifi-Müller, M Müller
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2017 AES International Conference on …, 2017
CTC-based learning of chroma features for score–audio music retrieval
F Zalkow, M Müller
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 29, 2957-2971, 2021
Exploring Tonal-Dramatic Relationships in Richard Wagner's Ring Cycle.
F Zalkow, C Weiß, M Müller
ISMIR, 642-648, 2017
Using Weakly Aligned Score-Audio Pairs to Train Deep Chroma Models for Cross-Modal Music Retrieval.
F Zalkow, M Müller
ISMIR, 184-191, 2020
Classifying Leitmotifs in Recordings of Operas by Richard Wagner.
M Krause, F Zalkow, J Zalkow, C Weiß, M Müller
ISMIR, 473-480, 2020
Versionsübergreifende Visualisierung harmonischer Verläufe
C Weiß, F Zalkow, M Müller, S Klauk, R Kleinertz
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2017
Musical style modification as an optimization problem
Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 206, 2016
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