Raquel G. Barbosa
Raquel G. Barbosa
PhD in Bioscience Engineering
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Cited by
Distinct domestication trajectories in top-fermenting beer yeasts and wine yeasts
M Gonçalves, A Pontes, P Almeida, R Barbosa, M Serra, D Libkind, ...
Current Biology 26 (20), 2750-2761, 2016
A population genomics insight into the Mediterranean origins of wine yeast domestication
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
Molecular ecology 24 (21), 5412-5427, 2015
Evidence of Natural Hybridization in Brazilian Wild Lineages of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
R Barbosa, P Almeida, SVB Safar, RO Santos, PB Morais, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 8 (2), 317-329, 2016
Multiple rounds of artificial selection promote microbe secondary domestication—the case of cachaça yeasts
R Barbosa, A Pontes, RO Santos, GG Montandon, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 10 (8), 1939-1955, 2018
Adaptive divergence in wine yeasts and their wild relatives suggests a prominent role for introgressions and rapid evolution at noncoding sites
P Almeida, R Barbosa, D Bensasson, P Gonçalves, JP Sampaio
Molecular Ecology 26 (7), 2167-2182, 2017
Safeguarding the microbial water quality from source to tap
J Favere, RG Barbosa, T Sleutels, W Verstraete, B De Gusseme, N Boon
NPJ Clean Water 4 (1), 28, 2021
Hydrogen oxidizing bacteria are capable of removing orthophosphate to ultra-low concentrations in a fed batch reactor configuration
RG Barbosa, T Sleutels, W Verstraete, N Boon
Bioresource Technology 311, 2020
Enrichment of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria from high-temperature and high-salinity environments
RG Barbosa, HPJ van Veelen, V Pinheiro, T Sleutels, W Verstraete, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 87 (4), e02439-20, 2021
Starmera pilosocereana sp. nov., a yeast isolated from necrotic tissue of cacti in a sandy coastal dune ecosystem
LFD Freitas, R Barbosa, JP Sampaio, MA Lachance, CA Rosa
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (Pt_12 …, 2015
Effective orthophosphate removal from surface water using hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria: Moving towards applicability
RG Barbosa, FC Oliveira, M Andrés-Torres, T Sleutels, W Verstraete, ...
Science of the Total Environment 800, 149648, 2021
Safeguarding the microbial water quality from source to tap. npj Clean Water 4
J Favere, RG Barbosa, T Sleutels, W Verstraete, B De Gusseme, N Boon
Application of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria for nutrient remediation and nutrient recovery
R G Barbosa
Ghent University, 2021
de-novo draft assemblies
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
(No Title), 2015
dadi input file used to infer demographic history of Wine and MO populations
K Shimizu, P Gonçalves, R Barbosa, S Dequin, A Couloux, JP Sampaio, ...
(No Title), 2015
Raw data of microsatelite genotypes used in figure S1
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
(No Title), 2015
Multilocus tree including the Chinese strains, related to Figure S4
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
(No Title), 2015
S. cerevisiae whole-genome SNP alignment
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
(No Title), 2015
FineStructure input files used in Figure 2B
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
(No Title), 2015
Whole-genome SNP phylogeny (restricted dataset), related to Figure S3
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
(No Title), 2015
Raw results from compute (libsequence analysis package), related to Table S2
P Almeida, R Barbosa, P Zalar, Y Imanishi, K Shimizu, B Turchetti, ...
(No Title), 2015
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Articles 1–20