Mostafa Salari
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Cited by
Social distancing in airplane seat assignments
M Salari, RJ Milne, C Delcea, L Kattan, LA Cotfas
Journal of Air Transport Management 89, 101915, 2020
Optimization of traffic sensor location for complete link flow observability in traffic network considering sensor failure
M Salari, L Kattan, WHK Lam, HP Lo, MA Esfeh
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 121, 216-251, 2019
Optimization of assigning passengers to seats on airplanes based on their carry-on luggage
RJ Milne, M Salari
Journal of Air Transport Management 54, 104-110, 2016
Evaluating classical airplane boarding methods considering COVID-19 flying restrictions
LA Cotfas, C Delcea, RJ Milne, M Salari
Symmetry 12 (7), 1087, 2020
A novel earned value management model using Z-number
M Salari, M Bagherpour, J Wang
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 7 (1), 97-119, 2014
Road network vulnerability analysis considering the probability and consequence of disruptive events: A spatiotemporal incident impact approach
MA Esfeh, L Kattan, WHK Lam, M Salari, RA Esfe
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 136, 103549, 2022
New methods for two-door airplane boarding using apron buses
RJ Milne, C Delcea, LA Cotfas, M Salari
Journal of Air Transport Management 80, 101705, 2019
Robust optimization of airplane passenger seating assignments
RJ Milne, M Salari, L Kattan
Aerospace 5 (3), 80, 2018
Modeling the effect of sensor failure on the location of counting sensors for origin-destination (OD) estimation
M Salari, L Kattan, WHK Lam, MA Esfeh, H Fu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 132, 103367, 2021
Investigating the random seat boarding method without seat assignments with common boarding practices using an agent-based modeling
C Delcea, LA Cotfas, M Salari, RJ Milne
Sustainability 10 (12), 4623, 2018
Compound generalized extreme value distribution for modeling the effects of monthly and seasonal variation on the extreme travel delays for vulnerability analysis of road network
MA Esfeh, L Kattan, WHK Lam, RA Esfe, M Salari
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 120, 102808, 2020
Fuzzy extended earned value management: A novel perspective
M Salari, M Bagherpour, A Kamyabniya
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 27 (3), 1393-1406, 2014
A time-cost trade-off model by incorporating fuzzy earned value management: A statistical based approach
M Salari, M Bagherpour, MH Reihani
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 28 (4), 1909-1919, 2015
A better project performance prediction model using fuzzy time series and data envelopment analysis
M Salari, H Khamooshi
Journal of the Operational Research Society 67 (10), 1274-1287, 2016
Optimal roadside units location for path flow reconstruction in a connected vehicle environment
M Salari, L Kattan, M Gentili
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 138, 103625, 2022
Optimization of multi-type traffic sensor locations for estimation of multi-period origin-destination demands with covariance effects
H Fu, WHK Lam, H Shao, L Kattan, M Salari
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 157, 102555, 2022
Airplane boarding method for passenger groups when using apron buses
RJ Milne, LA Cotfas, C Delcea, M Salari, L Crăciun, AG Molănescu
IEEE Access 8, 18019-18035, 2020
Greedy method for boarding a partially occupied airplane using apron buses
RJ Milne, LA Cotfas, C Delcea, M Salari, L Craciun, AG Molanescu
Symmetry 11 (10), 1221, 2019
Social distancing in airplane seat assignments for passenger groups
M Salari, RJ Milne, C Delcea, LA Cotfas
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 10 (1), 1070-1098, 2022
Airplane boarding optimization considering reserved seats and passengers’ carry-on bags
M Salari, RJ Milne, L Kattan
Opsearch 56, 806-823, 2019
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Articles 1–20