Francesca Panzeri
Francesca Panzeri
Department of Psychology, University of Milan-Bicocca
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Does the COVID-19 war metaphor influence reasoning?
F Panzeri, S Di Paola, F Domaneschi
Plos one 16 (4), e0250651, 2021
Language in autism: domains, profiles and co-occurring conditions
J Schaeffer, M Abd El-Raziq, E Castroviejo, S Durrleman, S Ferré, ...
Journal of Neural Transmission 130 (3), 433-457, 2023
The comprehension of Italian relative clauses in poor readers and in children with Specific Language Impairment
F Arosio, F Panzeri, B Molteni, S Magazù, M Guasti
Glossa 2 (1), 2017
Scalar and ad-hoc pragmatic inferences in children: guess which one is easier
F Foppolo, G Mazzaggio, F Panzeri, L Surian
Journal of child language 48 (2), 350-372, 2021
" Whom would you like to talk with?" exploring conversational agents for children's linguistic assessment
M Spitale, S Silleresi, G Cosentino, F Panzeri, F Garzotto
Proceedings of the interaction design and children conference, 262-272, 2020
The comprehension of ironic criticisms and ironic compliments in individuals with Down syndrome: Adding another piece to the puzzle
F Panzeri, B Giustolisi, L Zampini
Journal of Pragmatics 156, 223-234, 2020
Do children know when their room counts as clean?
F Foppolo, F Panzeri
NELS 40: Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic …, 2013
Slurs and negation
F Panzeri, S Carrus
Phenomenology and Mind 11, 170-180, 2016
Signing something while meaning its opposite: The expression of irony in Italian Sign Language (LIS)
L Mantovan, B Giustolisi, F Panzeri
Journal of Pragmatics 142, 47-61, 2019
In the (indicative or subjunctive) mood
F Panzeri
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 7, 215-227, 2003
The atypical pattern of irony comprehension in autistic children
F Panzeri, G Mazzaggio, B Giustolisi, S Silleresi, L Surian
Applied Psycholinguistics 43 (4), 757-784, 2022
Subjunctive relative clauses
F Panzeri
Proceedings of the 2004 Texas Linguistics Society Conference: Issues at the …, 2006
10 Acquisition meets comparison: an investigation of gradable adjectives
F Panzeri, F Foppolo, MT Guasti
From Grammar to Meaning the Spontaneous Logicality of Language, 266, 2013
Irony comprehension in children with cochlear implants: The role of language competence, theory of mind, and prosody recognition
F Panzeri, S Cavicchiolo, B Giustolisi, F Di Berardino, PF Ajmone, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 64 (8), 3212-3229, 2021
Disjunction in negative contexts: A cross-linguistic experimental study
O Lungu, A Fălăuș, F Panzeri
Journal of Semantics 38 (2), 221-247, 2021
Narrative and prosodic skills in children and adolescents with Down syndrome and typically developing children
P Zanchi, L Zampini, F Panzeri
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 23 (3), 286-294, 2021
Can children tell us something about the semantics of adjectives?
F Panzeri, F Foppolo
Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The …, 2012
Gli slurs tra filosofia del linguaggio e linguistica
F Panzeri
Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 10 (1), 2016
Children’s and adults’ sensitivity to gricean maxims and to the maximize presupposition principle
F Panzeri, F Foppolo
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 624628, 2021
You surely know what I mean
F Panzeri, F Foppolo
Pre-proceedings of ‘Trends in Experimental Pragmatics', 2016
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