Stephen G. MacDonell
Stephen G. MacDonell
Professor at Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
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What accuracy statistics really measure
BA Kitchenham, LM Pickard, SG MacDonell, MJ Shepperd
IEE Proceedings-Software 148 (3), 81-85, 2001
Evaluating prediction systems in software project estimation
M Shepperd, S MacDonell
Information and Software Technology, 2012
Factors that affect software systems development project outcomes: A survey of research
L McLeod, SG MacDonell
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 43 (4), 1-56, 2011
A perspective-based understanding of project success
L McLeod, B Doolin, SG MacDonell
Project Management Journal 43 (5), 68-86, 2012
A comparison of techniques for developing predictive models of software metrics
AR Gray, SG MacDonell
Information and software technology 39 (6), 425-437, 1997
Software forensics: extending authorship analysis techniques to computer programs
SG MacDonell, D Buckingham, AR Gray, PJ Sallis
Journal of Law and Information Science 13, 34, 2002
How reliable are systematic reviews in empirical software engineering?
S MacDonell, M Shepperd, B Kitchenham, E Mendes
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 36 (5), 676-687, 2010
Factors systematically associated with errors in subjective estimates of software development effort: the stability of expert judgment
AR Gray, SG MacDonell, MJ Shepperd
Proceedings Sixth International Software Metrics Symposium (Cat. No. PR00403 …, 1999
Combining techniques to optimize effort predictions in software project management
SG MacDonell, MJ Shepperd
Journal of Systems and Software 66 (2), 91-98, 2003
A baseline model for software effort estimation
PA Whigham, CA Owen, SG Macdonell
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 24 (3), 1-11, 2015
Technical debt and agile software development practices and processes: An industry practitioner survey
J Holvitie, SA Licorish, RO Spínola, S Hyrynsalmi, SG MacDonell, ...
Information and Software Technology, 2018
Applications of fuzzy logic to software metric models for development effort estimation
A Gray, S MacDonell
1997 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing …, 1997
Using visual text mining to support the study selection activity in systematic literature reviews
KR Felizardo, N Salleh, RM Martins, E Mendes, SG MacDonell, ...
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 77-86, 2011
Source code authorship analysis for supporting the cybercrime investigation process
G Frantzeskou, SG MacDonell, E Stamatatos
Handbook of Research on Computational Forensics, Digital Crime, and …, 2010
Understanding the attitudes, knowledge sharing behaviors and task performance of core developers: A longitudinal study
SA Licorish, SG MacDonell
Information and Software Technology 56 (12), 1578-1596, 2014
Understanding technology use in global virtual teams: Research methodologies and methods
T Clear, SG MacDonell
Information and Software Technology 53 (9), 994-1011, 2011
Software metrics data analysis—exploring the relative performance of some commonly used modeling techniques
AR Gray, SG MacDonell
Empirical Software Engineering 4, 297-316, 1999
A systematic mapping study on dynamic metrics and software quality
A Tahir, SG MacDonell
2012 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 326-335, 2012
Communication and personality profiles of global software developers
SA Licorish, SG MacDonell
Information and Software Technology 64, 113-131, 2015
Supporting agile team composition: A prototype tool for identifying personality (In) compatibilities
S Licorish, A Philpott, SG MacDonell
2009 ICSE Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects on Software Engineering …, 2009
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Articles 1–20