Xiao Fu
Xiao Fu
Nanjing Normal University
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Performance of transportation network under perturbations: Reliability, vulnerability, and resilience
Y Gu, X Fu, Z Liu, X Xu, A Chen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 133, 101809, 2020
Multimodal transit network design in a hub-and-spoke network framework
D Huang, Z Liu, X Fu, PT Blythe
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 14 (8), 706-735, 2018
A network equilibrium approach for modelling activity-travel pattern scheduling problems in multi-modal transit networks with uncertainty
X Fu, WHK Lam
IATBR2012-Toronto, 2012
Modelling joint activity-travel pattern scheduling problem in multi-modal transit networks
X Fu, WHK Lam
Transportation, 2016
Impact of a new metro line: analysis of metro passenger flow and travel time based on smart card data
X Fu, Y Gu
Journal of advanced transportation 2018 (1), 9247102, 2018
A reliability‐based traffic assignment model for multi‐modal transport network under demand uncertainty
X Fu, WHK Lam, BY Chen
Journal of Advanced Transportation 48 (1), 66-85, 2014
Modelling impacts of adverse weather conditions on activity–travel pattern scheduling in multi-modal transit networks
X Fu, WHK Lam, Q Meng
Transportmetrica B: transport dynamics 2 (2), 151-167, 2014
Short-term prediction of metro passenger flow with multi-source data: A neural network model fusing spatial and temporal features
X Fu, Y Zuo, J Wu, Y Yuan, S Wang
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 124, 104486, 2022
Maximizing space-time accessibility in multi-modal transit networks: an activity-based approach
X Fu, WHK Lam, BY Chen, Z Liu
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 18 (2), 192-220, 2022
Short-term estimation and prediction of pedestrian density in urban hot spots based on mobile phone data
J Huo, X Fu, Z Liu, Q Zhang
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 23 (8), 10827-10838, 2021
Short-term forecasts on individual accessibility in bus system based on neural network model
Y Zuo, X Fu, Z Liu, D Huang
Journal of Transport Geography 93, 103075, 2021
Spatial-temporal convolutional model for urban crowd density prediction based on mobile-phone signaling data
X Fu, G Yu, Z Liu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021
Measuring joint space-time accessibility in transit network under travel time uncertainty
X Fu, Y Zuo, S Zhang, Z Liu
Transport Policy 116, 355-368, 2022
Analysis of adding-runs strategy for peak-hour regular bus services
Q An, X Fu, D Huang, Q Cheng, Z Liu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 143, 102100, 2020
Modelling intra-household interactions in household’s activity-travel scheduling behaviour
X Fu, WHK Lam, Y Xiong
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 12 (7), 612-628, 2016
An Online Map Matching Algorithm Based on Second‐Order Hidden Markov Model
X Fu, J Zhang, Y Zhang
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021 (1), 9993860, 2021
Measuring accessibility of bus system based on multi-source traffic data
Y Zuo, Z Liu, X Fu
Geo-spatial Information Science 23 (3), 248-257, 2020
An activity-based model for transit network design and activity location planning in a three-party game framework
X Fu, Y Wu, D Huang, J Wu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 168, 102939, 2022
Dynamic origin-destination flow prediction using spatial-temporal graph convolution network with mobile phone data
Z Liu, Z Liu, X Fu
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 14 (5), 147-161, 2021
Urban network-wide traffic volume estimation under sparse deployment of detectors
J Xing, R Liu, Y Zhang, CF Choudhury, X Fu, Q Cheng
Transportmetrica A: transport science 20 (3), 2197511, 2024
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