Cosimo Beverelli
Cosimo Beverelli
World Trade Organization
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A practical guide to trade policy analysis
M Bacchetta, C Beverelli, O Cadot, M Fugazza, JM Grether, M Helble, ...
Geneva, CH: World Trade Organization, 2012
Services trade policy and manufacturing productivity: The role of institutions
C Beverelli, M Fiorini, B Hoekman
Journal of International Economics 104, 166-182, 2017
Export diversification effects of the WTO trade facilitation agreement
C Beverelli, S Neumueller, R Teh
World Development 76, 293-310, 2015
Institutions, trade and development: A quantitative analysis
C Beverelli, A Keck, M Larch, YV Yotov
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2018
Domestic value chains as stepping stones to global value chain integration
C Beverelli, V Stolzenburg, RB Koopman, S Neumueller
The World Economy 42 (5), 1467-1494, 2019
Dutch disease revisited. Oil discoveries and movements of the real exchange rate when manufacturing is resource-intensive
C Beverelli, S Dell’Erba, N Rocha
International Economics and Economic Policy 8, 139-153, 2011
Oil Prices and Maritime Freight Rates: An Empirical Investigation: Technical Report
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development/UNCTAD., ...
UN, 2010
Trade policy substitution: Theory and evidence
C Beverelli, M Boffa, A Keck
Review of world economics 155 (4), 755-783, 2019
Services Trade Restrictiveness and Manufacturing Productivity: The Role of Institutions
C Beverelli, M Fiorini, B Hoekman
Domestic foundations of global value chains
C Beverelli, RB Koopman, V Kummritz, S Neumueller
Available at SSRN 2708980, 2015
Institutions, trade, and development: identifying the impact of country-specific characteristics on international trade
C Beverelli, A Keck, M Larch, YV Yotov
Oxford Economic Papers 76 (2), 469-494, 2024
Reducing tariff evasion: The role of trade facilitation
C Beverelli, R Ticku
Journal of Comparative Economics 50 (2), 534-554, 2022
Non-tariff measures and the WTO
M Bacchetta, C Beverelli
VoxEU, posted July 31, 2012
Pull factors for migration: The impact of migrant integration policies
C Beverelli
Economics & Politics 34 (1), 171-191, 2022
Chapter 3: Analyzing bilateral trade using the gravity equation
M Bacchetta, C Beverelli, O Cadot, M Fugazza, JM Grether, M Helble, ...
A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis. United Nations and World Trade …, 2012
Learning in multilateral trade negotiations: some results from simulation for developing countries
C Dupont, C Beverelli, S Pézard
Negotiating Trade: Developing Countries in the WTO and NAFTA, 145-76, 2006
& Piermartini, R.(2012)
M Bacchetta, C Beverelli, O Cadot, M Fugazza, JM Grether, M Helble
A practical guide to trade policy analysis, 0
Trade and welfare effects of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
C Beverelli, I Gourevich, I Heiland, A Keck, M Larch, Y Yotov
WTO Staff Working Paper, 2023
Migration deflection: The role of preferential trade agreements
C Beverelli, G Orefice
Regional science and urban economics 79, 103469, 2019
World trade report 2014. Trade and development: recent trends and the role of the WTO
M Auboin, M Bacchetta, C Beverelli, J Hancock, C Henn, M Jansen, ...
World Trade Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland, 2014
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