James S. Latimer
James S. Latimer
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Urban runoff as a source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to coastal waters
EJ Hoffman, GL Mills, JS Latimer, JG Quinn
Environmental science & technology 18 (8), 580-587, 1984
The sources, transport, and fate of PAHs in the marine environment
JS Latimer, J Zheng
PAHs: an ecotoxicological perspective, 7-33, 2003
Stormwater runoff from highways
EJ Hoffman, JS Latimer, CD Hunt, GL Mills, JG Quinn
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 25, 349-364, 1985
Sources of petroleum hydrocarbons in urban runoff
JS Latimer, EJ Hoffman, G Hoffman, JL Fasching, JG Quinn
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 52, 1-21, 1990
Spatial distribution of modern dinoflagellate cysts in polluted estuarine sediments from Buzzards Bay (Massachusetts, USA) embayments
V Pospelova, GL Chmura, WS Boothman, JS Latimer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 292, 23-40, 2005
Dinoflagellate cyst records and human disturbance in two neighboring estuaries, New Bedford Harbor and Apponagansett Bay, Massachusetts (USA)
V Pospelova, GL Chmura, WS Boothman, JS Latimer
Science of the Total Environment 298 (1-3), 81-102, 2002
Mobilization of PAHs and PCBs from in-place contaminated marine sediments during simulated resuspension events
JS Latimer, WR Davis, DJ Keith
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49 (4), 577-595, 1999
Historical trends and current inputs of hydrophobic organic compounds in an urban estuary: the sedimentary record
JS Latimer, JG Quinn
Environmental science & technology 30 (2), 623-633, 1996
Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Urban Runoff from a Commerical Land Use Area
EJ Hoffman, JS Latimer, GL Mills, JG Quinn
Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 1517-1525, 1982
Pollution monitoring in two North American estuaries: historical reconstructions using benthic foraminifera
DB Scott, R Tobin, M Williamson, FS Medioli, JS Latimer, WA Boothman, ...
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 35 (1), 65-82, 2005
The geochemistry of coprostanol in waters and surface sediments from Narragansett Bay
LA LeBlanc, JS Latimer, JT Ellis, JG Quinn
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 34 (5), 439-458, 1992
Annual input of petroleum hydrocarbons to the coastal environment via urban runoff
EJ Hoffman, GL Mills, JS Latimer, JG Quinn
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40 (S2), s41-s53, 1983
The chemistry and toxicity of sediment affected by oil from the North Cape spilled into Rhode Island Sound
KAY Ho, L Patton, JS Latimer, RJ Pruell, M Pelletier, R McKinney, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 38 (4), 314-323, 1999
Nitrogen inputs to seventy-four southern New England estuaries: Application of a watershed nitrogen loading model
JS Latimer, MA Charpentier
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 89 (2), 125-136, 2010
Empirical relationship between eelgrass extent and predicted watershed-derived nitrogen loading for shallow New England estuaries
JS Latimer, SA Rego
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 90 (4), 231-240, 2010
Fate and effects of sewage sludge in the coastal marine environment: a mesocosm experiment
CA Oviatt, JG Quinn, JT Maughan, JT Ellis, BK Sullivan, JN Gearing, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 187-203, 1987
Environmental stress and recovery: the geochemical record of human disturbance in New Bedford Harbor and Apponagansett Bay, Massachusetts (USA)
JS Latimer, WS Boothman, CE Pesch, GL Chmura, V Pospelova, ...
Science of the Total Environment 313 (1-3), 153-176, 2003
Long Island sound: prospects for the urban sea
JS Latimer, MA Tedesco, RL Swanson, C Yarish, PE Stacey, C Garza
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Biogeography of dinoflagellate cysts in northwest Atlantic estuaries
AM Price, V Pospelova, MRS Coffin, JS Latimer, GL Chmura
Ecology and Evolution 6 (16), 5648-5662, 2016
Effect of nutrient pollution on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages across estuaries of the NW Atlantic
AM Price, MRS Coffin, V Pospelova, JS Latimer, GL Chmura
Marine pollution bulletin 121 (1-2), 339-351, 2017
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