Leslie DeChurch
Cited by
Cited by
Information sharing and team performance: a meta-analysis.
JR Mesmer-Magnus, LA DeChurch
Journal of applied psychology 94 (2), 535, 2009
The cognitive underpinnings of effective teamwork: a meta-analysis.
LA DeChurch, JR Mesmer-Magnus
Journal of applied psychology 95 (1), 32, 2010
Maximizing the benefits of task conflict: The role of conflict management
LA DeChurch, MA Marks
International Journal of Conflict Management 12 (1), 4-22, 2001
The topology of collective leadership
NS Contractor, LA DeChurch, J Carson, DR Carter, B Keegan
The Leadership Quarterly 23 (6), 994-1011, 2012
Teamwork in multiteam systems.
MA Marks, LA DeChurch, JE Mathieu, FJ Panzer, A Alonso
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (5), 964, 2005
Measuring shared team mental models: A meta-analysis.
LA DeChurch, JR Mesmer-Magnus
Group dynamics: Theory, research, and practice 14 (1), 1, 2010
Searching for outcomes of leadership: A 25-year review
NJ Hiller, LA DeChurch, T Murase, D Doty
Journal of management 37 (4), 1137-1177, 2011
Leading teams in the digital age: Four perspectives on technology and what they mean for leading teams
L Larson, LA DeChurch
The leadership quarterly 31 (1), 101377, 2020
Moving emotional labor beyond surface and deep acting: A discordance–congruence perspective
JR Mesmer-Magnus, LA DeChurch, A Wax
Organizational Psychology Review 2 (1), 6-53, 2012
Social network approaches to leadership: an integrative conceptual review.
DR Carter, LA DeChurch, MT Braun, NS Contractor
Journal of applied psychology 100 (3), 597, 2015
Leadership across levels: Levels of leaders and their levels of impact
LA DeChurch, NJ Hiller, T Murase, D Doty, E Salas
The Leadership Quarterly 21 (6), 1069-1085, 2010
Leadership in multiteam systems.
LA DeChurch, MA Marks
Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (2), 311, 2006
Moving beyond relationship and task conflict: toward a process-state perspective.
LA DeChurch, JR Mesmer-Magnus, D Doty
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (4), 559, 2013
A meta-analytic investigation of virtuality and information sharing in teams
JR Mesmer-Magnus, LA DeChurch, M Jimenez-Rodriguez, J Wildman, ...
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 115 (2), 214-225, 2011
Building team adaptive capacity: The roles of sensegiving and team composition.
KR Randall, CJ Resick, LA DeChurch
Journal of applied psychology 96 (3), 525, 2011
Multiteam systems: An introduction
SJ Zaccaro, MA Marks, LA DeChurch
Multiteam systems, 18-47, 2012
An investigation of path-goal and transformational leadership theory predictions at the individual level of analysis
CA Schriesheim, SL Castro, XT Zhou, LA DeChurch
The Leadership Quarterly 17 (1), 21-38, 2006
A historiometric analysis of leadership in mission critical multiteam environments
LA DeChurch, CS Burke, ML Shuffler, R Lyons, D Doty, E Salas
The Leadership Quarterly 22 (1), 152-169, 2011
Once upon a time: Understanding team processes as relational event networks
RTAJ Leenders, NS Contractor, LA DeChurch
Organizational Psychology Review 6 (1), 92-115, 2016
Multiteam systems: A structural framework and meso-theory of system functioning
MM Luciano, LA DeChurch, JE Mathieu
Journal of Management 44 (3), 1065-1096, 2018
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Articles 1–20