Morteza Amini
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RT-UNNID: A practical solution to real-time network-based intrusion detection using unsupervised neural networks
M Amini, R Jalili, HR Shahriari
computers & security 25 (6), 459-468, 2006
RTECA: Real time episode correlation algorithm for multi-step attack scenarios detection
AA Ramaki, M Amini, RE Atani
computers & security 49, 206-219, 2015
Detection of distributed denial of service attacks using statistical pre-processor and unsupervised neural networks
R Jalili, F Imani-Mehr, M Amini, HR Shahriari
Information Security Practice and Experience: First International Conference …, 2005
Trust inference in web-based social networks using resistive networks
M Taherian, M Amini, R Jalili
2008 Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2008
Trust-based user-role assignment in role-based access control
H Takabi, M Amini, R Jalili
2007 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications …, 2007
Sbac: A semantic based access control model
S Javanmardi, M Amini, R Jalili, Y GanjiSaffar
11th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT-systems (NordSec’06), Linkping, Sweden 22, 2006
An access control model for protecting semantic web resources
S Javanmardi, M Amini, R Jalili
Web policy workshop, 2006
Network-based intrusion detection using unsupervised adaptive resonance theory (ART)
M Amini, R Jalili
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS …, 2004
Conflict detection and resolution in context-aware authorization
A Masoumzadeh, M Amini, R Jalili
21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2007
A semantic-based correlation approach for detecting hybrid and low-level APTs
AM Lajevardi, M Amini
Future Generation Computer Systems 96, 64-88, 2019
Purpose-based privacy preserving access control for secure service provision and composition
M Amini, F Osanloo
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 12 (4), 604-620, 2016
A context-aware access control model for pervasive computing environments
SS Emami, M Amini, S Zokaei
The 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IPC …, 2007
Pto: A trust ontology for pervasive environments
M Taherian, R Jalili, M Amini
22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2008
Enhancing role-based access control model through fuzzy relations
H Takabi, M Amini, R Jalili
Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security, 131-136, 2007
Detecting malicious applications using system services request behavior
M Salehi, M Amini, B Crispo
Proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and …, 2019
Fine-grained access control for hybrid mobile applications in Android using restricted paths
S Pooryousef, M Amini
2016 13th International Iranian Society of Cryptology Conference on …, 2016
Multi-level authorisation model and framework for distributed semantic-aware environments
M Amini, R Jalili
IET Information Security 4 (4), 301-321, 2010
CAMAC: A Context-Aware Mandatory Access Control Model.
JH Jafarian, M Amini
ISeCure 1 (1), 2009
Android malware detection using Markov Chain model of application behaviors in requesting system services
M Salehi, M Amini
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.05731, 2017
Context-aware provisional access control
AR Masoumzadeh, M Amini, R Jalili
Information Systems Security: Second International Conference, ICISS 2006 …, 2006
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