Nathaniel Johnston
Cited by
Cited by
Robustness of coherence: an operational and observable measure of quantum coherence
C Napoli, TR Bromley, M Cianciaruso, M Piani, N Johnston, G Adesso
Physical review letters 116 (15), 150502, 2016
Robustness of asymmetry and coherence of quantum states
M Piani, M Cianciaruso, TR Bromley, C Napoli, N Johnston, G Adesso
Physical Review A 93 (4), 042107, 2016
QETLAB: A MATLAB toolbox for quantum entanglement, version 0.9
N Johnston
Qetlab. com, 2016
Uniqueness of quantum states compatible with given measurement results
J Chen, H Dawkins, Z Ji, N Johnston, D Kribs, F Shultz, B Zeng
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 012109, 2013
The minimum size of unextendible product bases in the bipartite case (and some multipartite cases)
J Chen, N Johnston
Communications in Mathematical Physics 333, 351-365, 2015
Limitations on separable measurements by convex optimization
S Bandyopadhyay, A Cosentino, N Johnston, V Russo, J Watrous, N Yu
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (6), 3593-3604, 2015
Separability from spectrum for qubit-qudit states
N Johnston
Physical Review A 88 (6), 062330, 2013
A family of norms with applications in quantum information theory
N Johnston, DW Kribs
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (8), 2010
Computing stabilized norms for quantum operations via the theory of completely bounded maps
N Johnston, DW Kribs, VI Paulsen
Quantum Information & Computation 9 (1), 16-35, 2009
The structure of qubit unextendible product bases
N Johnston
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (42), 424034, 2014
Non-positive-partial-transpose subspaces can be as large as any entangled subspace
N Johnston
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6), 064302, 2013
Characterizing operations preserving separability measures via linear preserver problems
N Johnston
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 59 (10), 1171-1187, 2011
Quantifying the coherence of pure quantum states
J Chen, S Grogan, N Johnston, CK Li, S Plosker
Physical Review A 94 (4), 042313, 2016
Advanced Linear and Matrix Algebra
N Johnston
Springer Nature, 2021
Is absolute separability determined by the partial transpose?
S Arunachalam, N Johnston, V Russo
Quantum Information & Computation 15 (7 & 8), 0694-0720, 2015
Process tomography for unitary quantum channels
G Gutoski, N Johnston
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (3), 2014
Perfect quantum state transfer using Hadamard diagonalizable graphs
N Johnston, S Kirkland, S Plosker, R Storey, X Zhang
Linear Algebra and its Applications 531, 375-398, 2017
Minimal and maximal operator spaces and operator systems in entanglement theory
N Johnston, DW Kribs, VI Paulsen, R Pereira
Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (8), 2407-2423, 2011
The minimum size of qubit unextendible product bases
N Johnston
8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and …, 2013
Extended non-local games and monogamy-of-entanglement games
N Johnston, R Mittal, V Russo, J Watrous
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2016
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Articles 1–20