Sei-Hill Kim
Sei-Hill Kim
School of Journalism and Mass Communications
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Think about it this way: Attribute agenda-setting function of the press and the public's evaluation of a local issue
SH Kim, DA Scheufele, J Shanahan
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 79 (1), 7-25, 2002
Talking about obesity: News framing of who is responsible for causing and fixing the problem
SH Kim, L Anne Willis
Journal of health communication 12 (4), 359-376, 2007
The view of the border: News framing of the definition, causes, and solutions to illegal immigration
S Kim, JP Carvalho, AG Davis, AM Mullins
Mass Communication and Society 14 (3), 292-314, 2011
Talking about poverty: News framing of who is responsible for causing and fixing the problem
SH Kim, JP Carvalho, AC Davis
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 87 (3-4), 563-581, 2010
Stigmatizing smokers: Public sentiment toward cigarette smoking and its relationship to smoking behaviors
KIM SEI-HILL, J Shanahan
Journal of health communication 8 (4), 343-367, 2003
Evaluating sampling methods for content analysis of Twitter data
H Kim, SM Jang, SH Kim, A Wan
Social media+ society 4 (2), 2056305118772836, 2018
Who cares about local politics? Media influences on local political involvement, issue awareness, and attitude strength
DA Scheufele, J Shanahan, SH Kim
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 79 (2), 427-444, 2002
What makes people hot? Applying the situational theory of problem solving to hot-issue publics
JN Kim, L Ni, SH Kim, JR Kim
Journal of Public Relations Research 24 (2), 144-164, 2012
Testing the knowledge gap hypothesis in South Korea: Traditional news media, the Internet, and political learning
SH Kim
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 20 (2), 193-210, 2008
A qualitative study of recruitment barriers, motivators, and community-based strategies for increasing clinical trials participation among rural and urban populations
DB Friedman, C Foster, CD Bergeron, A Tanner, SH Kim
American Journal of Health Promotion 29 (5), 332-338, 2015
Talking on ‘Sunshine in North Korea’: A test of the spiral of silence as a theory of powerful mass media
SH Kim, M Han, J Shanahan, V Berdayes
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 16 (1), 39-62, 2004
Barriers to medical research participation as perceived by clinical trial investigators: communicating with rural and African American communities
A Tanner, SH Kim, DB Friedman, C Foster, CD Bergeron
Journal of health communication 20 (1), 88-96, 2015
Attribute agenda setting, priming and the media’s influence on how to think about a controversial issue
SH Kim, M Han, DH Choi, JN Kim
International Communication Gazette 74 (1), 43-59, 2012
Exploring the effects of negative publicity: News coverage and public perceptions of a university
SH Kim, JP Carvalho, CE Cooksey
Public Relations Review 33 (2), 233-235, 2007
Talking about genetically modified (GM) foods in South Korea: The role of the internet in the spiral of silence process
SH Kim, H Kim, SH Oh
Mass Communication and Society 17 (5), 713-732, 2014
Who cares about the issues? Issue voting and the role of news media during the 2000 US presidential election
SH Kim, DA Scheufele, J Shanahan
Journal of Communication 55 (1), 103-121, 2005
Media use, social capital, and civic participation in South Korea
SH Kim
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 84 (3), 477-494, 2007
Who is responsible for a social problem? News framing and attribution of responsibility
SH Kim
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 92 (3), 554-558, 2015
Barriers to clinical trial participation: a comparison of rural and urban communities in South Carolina
SH Kim, A Tanner, DB Friedman, C Foster, CD Bergeron
Journal of Community Health 39, 562-571, 2014
The spiral of silence in the 1948 presidential election
DG McDonald, CJ Glynn, SH Kim, RE Ostman
Communication Research 28 (2), 139-155, 2001
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Articles 1–20