Christos D. Maravelias
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Cited by
Modelling fish growth: multi‐model inference as a better alternative to a priori using von Bertalanffy equation
S Katsanevakis, CD Maravelias
Fish and fisheries 9 (2), 178-187, 2008
The alarming decline of Mediterranean fish stocks
P Vasilakopoulos, CD Maravelias, G Tserpes
Current Biology 24 (14), 1643-1648, 2014
Identifying the effects of oceanographic features and zooplankton on prespawning herring abundance using generalized additive models
CD Maravelias, DG Reid
Marine Ecology Progress Series 147 (1-3), 1997
Estimating trends of population decline in long-lived marine species in the Mediterranean Sea based on fishers' perceptions
F Maynou, M Sbrana, P Sartor, C Maravelias, S Kavadas, D Damalas, ...
PLoS One 6 (7), e21818, 2011
Habitat selection and clustering of a pelagic fish: effects of topography and bathymetry on species dynamics
CD Maravelias
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (3), 437-450, 1999
Identifying four phytoplankton functional types from space: An ecological approach
DE Raitsos, SJ Lavender, CD Maravelias, J Haralabous, AJ Richardson, ...
Limnology and oceanography 53 (2), 605-613, 2008
Spatial analysis and mapping of acoustic survey data in the presence of high local variability: geostatistical application to North Sea herring (Clupea harengus)
CD Maravelias, DG Reid, EJ Simmonds, J Haralabous
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53 (7), 1497-1505, 1996
Coherent assessments of Europe’s marine fishes show regional divergence and megafauna loss
PG Fernandes, GM Ralph, A Nieto, M García Criado, P Vasilakopoulos, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (7), 0170, 2017
Modeling and forecasting pelagic fish production using univariate and multivariate ARIMA models
EV Tsitsika, CD Maravelias, J Haralabous
Fisheries science 73, 979-988, 2007
A comparative review of fisheries management experiences in the E uropean U nion and in other countries worldwide: I celand, A ustralia, and N ew Z ealand
P Marchal, JL Andersen, M Aranda, M Fitzpatrick, L Goti, O Guyader, ...
Fish and Fisheries 17 (3), 803-824, 2016
Seasonal abundance of non-commercial demersal fish in the eastern Mediterranean Sea in relation to hydrographic and sediment characteristics
D Damalas, CD Maravelias, S Katsanevakis, AP Karageorgis, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 89 (1), 107-118, 2010
Trends in abundance and geographic distribution of North Sea herring in relation to environmental factors
CD Maravelias
Marine Ecology Progress Series 159, 151-164, 1997
Fish farming effects on local fisheries landings in oligotrophic seas
A Machias, M Giannoulaki, S Somarakis, CD Maravelias, C Neofitou, ...
Aquaculture 261 (2), 809-816, 2006
Spatiotemporal distribution and habitat use of commercial demersal species in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
S Katsanevakis, CD Maravelias, D Damalas, AP Karageorgis, EV Tsitsika, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 18 (6), 439-457, 2009
Predicting demersal fish species distributions in the Mediterranean Sea using artificial neural networks
CD Maravelias, J Haralabous, C Papaconstantinou
Marine ecology progress series 255, 249-258, 2003
Economic efficiency analysis and fleet capacity assessment in Mediterranean fisheries
CD Maravelias, EV Tsitsika
Fisheries Research 93 (1-2), 85-91, 2008
Resilience and regime shifts in a marine biodiversity hotspot
P Vasilakopoulos, DE Raitsos, E Tzanatos, CD Maravelias
Scientific reports 7 (1), 13647, 2017
New modes of fisheries governance: Implementation of the landing obligation in four European countries
BI De Vos, R Döring, M Aranda, FC Buisman, K Frangoudes, L Goti, ...
Marine Policy 64, 1-8, 2016
Bathymetric distribution of demersal fish in the Aegean and Ionian Seas based on generalized additive modeling
S Katsanevakis, CD Maravelias
Fisheries Science 75, 13-23, 2009
Seabed substrate, water depth and zooplankton as determinants of the prespawning spatial aggregation of North Atlantic herring
CD Maravelias, DG Reid, G Swartzman
Marine Ecology Progress Series 195, 249-259, 2000
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