Autumn Shafer
Autumn Shafer
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Relation between active mediation, exposure to Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, and US preschoolers’ social and emotional development
EE Rasmussen, A Shafer, MJ Colwell, S White, N Punyanunt-Carter, ...
Journal of Children and Media 10 (4), 443-461, 2016
A statewide evaluation of the effectiveness of media literacy training to prevent tobacco use among adolescents
BE Pinkleton, E Weintraub Austin, M Cohen, A Miller, E Fitzgerald
Health communication 21 (1), 23-34, 2007
The role of hypermasculinity, token resistance, rape myth, and assertive sexual consent communication among college men
A Shafer, RR Ortiz, B Thompson, J Huemmer
Journal of Adolescent Health 62 (3), S44-S50, 2018
Corporate crisis communication: Examining the interplay of reputation and crisis response strategies
DM Kiambi, A Shafer
Mass Communication and Society 19 (2), 127-148, 2016
Evaluating a county-sponsored social marketing campaign to increase mothers' initiation of HPV vaccine for their preteen daughters in a primarily rural area
JR Cates, A Shafer, SJ Diehl, AM Deal
Social marketing quarterly 17 (1), 4-26, 2011
Framing the problem of sex trafficking: Whose problem? What remedy?
A Johnston, B Friedman, A Shafer
Feminist Media Studies 14 (3), 419-436, 2014
How parents hear about human papillomavirus vaccine: implications for uptake
JR Cates, A Shafer, FD Carpentier, PL Reiter, NT Brewer, AL McRee, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 47 (3), 305-308, 2010
Sexual intensity of adolescents' online self-presentations: Joint contribution of identity, media consumption, and extraversion
PS Bobkowski, A Shafer, RR Ortiz
Computers in Human Behavior 58, 64-74, 2016
They Are Not Us: Framing of American Indians by the Boston Globe
A Miller, SD Ross
Howard Journal of Communications 15 (4), 245-259, 2004
Asking mom: formative research for an HPV vaccine campaign targeting mothers of adolescent girls
A Shafer, JR Cates, SJ Diehl, M Hartmann
Journal of Health Communication 16 (9), 988-1005, 2011
Statewide HPV vaccine initiation among adolescent females in North Carolina
PL Reiter, JR Cates, AL McRee, SL Gottlieb, A Shafer, JS Smith, ...
Sexually transmitted diseases 37 (9), 549-556, 2010
13 Sexual Media Practice: How Adolescents Select, Engage with, and Are Affected by Sexual Media
A Shafer, P Bobkowski, JD Brown
The Oxford handbook of media psychology, 223, 2013
Development and evaluation of a social media health intervention to improve adolescents’ knowledge about and vaccination against the human papillomavirus
RR Ortiz, A Shafer, J Cates, T Coyne-Beasley
Global pediatric health 5, 2333794X18777918, 2018
Designing messages to motivate parents to get their preteenage sons vaccinated against human papillomavirus
JR Cates, R Ortiz, A Shafer, LHS Romocki, T Coyne‐Beasley
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 44 (1), 39-47, 2012
Unblurring the lines of sexual consent with a college student-driven sexual consent education campaign
RR Ortiz, A Shafer
Journal of American college health 66 (6), 450-456, 2018
The indirect effects of thinspiration and fitspiration images on young women’s sexual attitudes
K Chansiri, T Wongphothiphan, A Shafer
Communication Research 49 (4), 524-546, 2022
Narrative exemplars and the celebrity spokesperson in Lebanese anti-domestic violence public service announcements
JR El-Khoury, A Shafer
Journal of Health Communication 21 (8), 935-943, 2016
Parents of children with eating disorders: Developing theory-based health communication messages to promote caregiver well-being
S Patel, A Shafer, J Brown, C Bulik, N Zucker
Journal of Health Communication 19 (5), 593-608, 2014
Mass media explain the global sex trade
A Johnston, B Friedman, A Shafer
Challenging images of women in the media: Reinventing women’s lives, 49-64, 2012
Applying the health belief model and an integrated behavioral model to promote breast tissue donation among Asian Americans
A Shafer, K Kaufhold, Y Luo
Health communication 33 (7), 833-841, 2018
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Articles 1–20