Moti Yung
Moti Yung
Distinguished Research Scientist Google; Adjunct Research Prof. Columbia U.
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Perfectly-secure key distribution for dynamic conferences
C Blundo, A De Santis, A Herzberg, S Kutten, U Vaccaro, M Yung
Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’92: 12th Annual International Cryptology …, 1993
Public-key cryptosystems provably secure against chosen ciphertext attacks
M Naor, M Yung
Proceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1990
Universal one-way hash functions and their cryptographic applications
M Naor, M Yung
Proceedings of the twenty-first annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1989
Secure schemes for secret sharing and key distribution
A Beimel
PhD thesis, Israel Institute of Technology, Technion, 1996
A unified framework for the analysis of side-channel key recovery attacks
FX Standaert, TG Malkin, M Yung
Advances in Cryptology-EUROCRYPT 2009: 28th Annual International Conference …, 2009
Proactive secret sharing or: How to cope with perpetual leakage
A Herzberg, S Jarecki, H Krawczyk, M Yung
Advances in Cryptology—CRYPT0’95: 15th Annual International Cryptology …, 1995
How to withstand mobile virus attacks
R Ostrovsky, M Yung
Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed …, 1991
Pseudorandomness and cryptographic applications
M Luby
Princeton University Press, 1996
Efficient password-authenticated key exchange using human-memorable passwords
J Katz, R Ostrovsky, M Yung
International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic …, 2001
Key-insulated public key cryptosystems
Y Dodis, J Katz, S Xu, M Yung
Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2002: International Conference on the …, 2002
On the security of ElGamal based encryption
Y Tsiounis, M Yung
International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 117-134, 1998
Perfectly secure message transmission
D Dolev, C Dwork, O Waarts, M Yung
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 40 (1), 17-47, 1993
Multi-authority secret-ballot elections with linear work
R Cramer, M Franklin, B Schoenmakers, M Yung
International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic …, 1996
Scalable protocols for authenticated group key exchange
J Katz, M Yung
Annual international cryptology conference, 110-125, 2003
How to share a function securely
A De Santis, Y Desmedt, Y Frankel, M Yung
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1994
Method and system for the secured distribution of multimedia titles
A Herzberg, H Krawczyk, S Kutten, AV Le, SM Matyas, M. Yung
US Patent 5,745,678, 1998
Lecture notes in computer science
D Kudenko
Springer, 2005
Non-interactive cryptocomputing for nc/sup 1
T Sander, A Young, M Yung
40th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (Cat. No. 99CB37039 …, 1999
Cryptography: Malicious Cryptography
AL Young, M Yung
Elsevier Advanced Technology 20 (5), 430, 2004
Fully collusion resistant traitor tracing with short ciphertexts and private keys
D Boneh, A Sahai, B Waters
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2006
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Articles 1–20