Panos Patros
Panos Patros
Andere namenPanagiotis Patros
VP Engineering, Raygun
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AI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions
SS Gill, M Xu, C Ottaviani, P Patros, R Bahsoon, A Shaghaghi, M Golec, ...
Internet of Things 19, 100514, 2022
Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots
SS Gill, M Xu, P Patros, H Wu, R Kaur, K Kaur, S Fuller, M Singh, P Arora, ...
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 4, 19-23, 2024
VTR 8: High-performance CAD and customizable FPGA architecture modelling
KE Murray, O Petelin, S Zhong, JM Wang, M Eldafrawy, JP Legault, E Sha, ...
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) 13 (2), 1-55, 2020
Energy digital twin technology for industrial energy management: Classification, challenges and future
W Yu, P Patros, B Young, E Klinac, TG Walmsley
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 161, 112407, 2022
Embedding java classes with code2vec: Improvements from variable obfuscation
R Compton, E Frank, P Patros, A Koay
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software …, 2020
Modern computing: Vision and challenges
SS Gill, H Wu, P Patros, C Ottaviani, P Arora, VC Pujol, D Haunschild, ...
Telematics and Informatics Reports, 100116, 2024
Toward sustainable serverless computing
P Patros, J Spillner, AV Papadopoulos, B Varghese, O Rana, S Dustdar
IEEE Internet Computing 25 (6), 42-50, 2021
Down the rabbit hole: Detecting online extremism, radicalisation, and politicised hate speech
J Govers, P Feldman, A Dant, P Patros
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (14s), 1-35, 2023
Maintaining SLOs of cloud-native applications via self-adaptive resource sharing
V Podolskiy, M Mayo, A Koay, M Gerndt, P Patros
2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing …, 2019
Self-adaptation in industry: A survey
D Weyns, I Gerostathopoulos, N Abbas, J Andersson, S Biffl, P Brada, ...
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 18 (2), 1-44, 2023
Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging era of AI chatbots. Internet of Things and Cyber–Physical Systems, 4, 19? 23
SS Gill, M Xu, P Patros, H Wu, R Kaur, K Kaur, S Fuller, M Singh, P Arora, ...
Investigating resource interference and scaling on multitenant PaaS clouds
P Patros, SA MacKay, KB Kent, M Dawson
Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Computer Science …, 2016
Toward a definition for serverless computing
S Kounev, C Abad, I Foster, N Herbst, A Iosup, S Al-Kiswany, AAE Hassan, ...
Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik, 2021
Flox: Federated learning with faas at the edge
N Kotsehub, M Baughman, R Chard, N Hudson, P Patros, O Rana, ...
2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 11-20, 2022
SLO request modeling, reordering and scaling
P Patros, KB Kent, M Dawson
Proceedings of the 27th annual international conference on computer science …, 2017
Rural AI: Serverless-powered federated learning for remote applications
P Patros, M Ooi, V Huang, M Mayo, C Anderson, S Burroughs, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 27 (2), 28-34, 2022
Surgical tool datasets for machine learning research: a survey
M Rodrigues, M Mayo, P Patros
International Journal of Computer Vision 130 (9), 2222-2248, 2022
Ai for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions. Internet Things 19: 100514
SS Gill, M Xu, C Ottaviani, P Patros, R Bahsoon, A Shaghaghi, M Golec, ...
Dynamically compiled artifact sharing on PaaS clouds
MH Dawson, DD Dilli, KB Kent, P Patros, PD Shipton
US Patent 10,338,899, 2019
Node. js scalability investigation in the cloud
J Zhu, P Patros, KB Kent, M Dawson
CASCON 2018, 201-212, 2018
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