Jacqueline Hagan
Cited by
Cited by
Social networks, gender, and immigrant incorporation: Resources and constraints
JM Hagan
American sociological review, 55-67, 1998
Acculturative stress among documented and undocumented Latino immigrants in the United States
C Arbona, N Olvera, N Rodriguez, J Hagan, A Linares, M Wiesner
Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences 32 (3), 362-384, 2010
Deciding to be legal: A Maya community in Houston
JM Hagan
Temple University Press, 1994
Death at the Border
K Eschbach, J Hagan, N Rodriguez, R Hernandez-Leon, S Bailey
International Migration Review 33 (2), 430-454, 1999
Calling upon the sacred: migrants' use of religion in the migration process
J Hagan, HR Ebaugh
International migration review 37 (4), 1145-1162, 2003
US deportation policy, family separation, and circular migration
J Hagan, K Eschbach, N Rodriguez
International migration review 42 (1), 64-88, 2008
Migration miracle: Faith, hope, and meaning on the undocumented journey
JM Hagan
Harvard University Press, 2012
Social effects of mass deportations by the United States government, 2000–10
JM Hagan, N Rodriguez, B Castro
Ethnic and racial studies 34 (8), 1374-1391, 2011
The effects of US deportation policies on immigrant families and communities: Cross-border perspectives
J Hagan, B Castro, N Rodriguez
NCL Rev. 88, 1799, 2009
The Effects of Recent Welfare and Immigration Reforms on Immigrants' Access to Health Care1
J Hagan, N Rodriguez, R Capps, N Kabiri
International Migration Review 37 (2), 444-463, 2003
Skills of the unskilled: Work and mobility among Mexican migrants
J Hagan, R Hernández-León, JL Demonsant
Univ of California Press, 2015
Fractured families and communities: Effects of immigration reform in Texas, Mexico, and El Salvador
N Rodriguez, JM Hagan
Latino Studies 2, 328-351, 2004
Skills on the move: Rethinking the relationship between human capital and immigrant economic mobility
J Hagan, N Lowe, C Quingla
Work and occupations 38 (2), 149-178, 2011
Brutal borders? Examining the treatment of deportees during arrest and detention
S Phillips, JM Hagan, N Rodriguez
Social Forces 85 (1), 93-109, 2006
Deaths during undocumented migration: trends and policy implications in the new era of homeland security
K Eschbach, J Hagan, N Rodriguez
In defense of the alien 26, 37-52, 2003
The structure and functions of cell group ministry in a Korean Christian church
VH Kwon, HR Ebaugh, J Hagan
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 247-256, 1997
Return migration around the world: An integrated agenda for future research
JM Hagan, J Thomas Wassink
Annual Review of Sociology 46 (1), 533-552, 2020
Implementing the US legalization program: The influence of immigrant communities and local agencies on immigration policy reform
JM Hagan, SG Baker
International Migration Review 27 (3), 513-536, 1993
The gender division of labor and family change in industrial societies: A theoretical accounting
JS Chafetz, J Hagan
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 27 (2), 187-219, 1996
Causes and trends in migrant deaths along the US-Mexico border, 1985-1998
K Eschbach, JM Hagan, N Rodriguez
University of Houston, Center for Immigration Research, 2001
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