Joerg Doerr
Joerg Doerr
RPTU Kaiserslautern und Fraunhofer IESE
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The crowd in requirements engineering: The landscape and challenges
EC Groen, N Seyff, R Ali, F Dalpiaz, J Doerr, E Guzman, M Hosseini, ...
IEEE software 34 (2), 44-52, 2017
Non-functional requirements in industry-three case studies adopting an experience-based NFR method
J Doerr, D Kerkow, T Koenig, T Olsson, T Suzuki
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05), 373-382, 2005
Towards crowd-based requirements engineering a research preview
EC Groen, J Doerr, S Adam
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 21st …, 2015
Users—the hidden software product quality experts?: A study on how app users report quality aspects in online reviews
EC Groen, S Kopczyńska, MP Hauer, TD Krafft, J Doerr
2017 IEEE 25th international requirements engineering conference (RE), 80-89, 2017
A systematic literature review of requirements prioritization criteria
N Riegel, J Doerr
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 21st …, 2015
GoPhone-a software product line in the mobile phone domain
D Muthig, I John, M Anastasopoulos, T Forster, J Dörr, K Schmid
IESE-Report No 25, 1-104, 2004
Using task-oriented requirements engineering in different domains–experiences with application in research and industry
S Adam, J Doerr, M Eisenbarth, A Gross
2009 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 267-272, 2009
How to better align BPM & SOA–Ideas on improving the transition between process design and deployment
S Adam, J Doerr
9th workshop on business process modeling, development and support 335, 2008
Eliciting efficiency requirements with use cases
J Dörr, D Kerkow, A Von Knethen, B Paech
Ninth international workshop on requirements engineering: foundation for …, 2003
An experimental comparison regarding the completeness of functional requirements specifications
I Menzel, M Mueller, A Gross, J Doerr
2010 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 15-24, 2010
EPC vs. UML activity diagram-two experiments examining their usefulness for requirements engineering
A Gross, J Doerr
2009 17th IEEE international requirements engineering conference, 47-56, 2009
Implementing requirements engineering processes: using cooperative self-assessment and improvement
J Dörr, S Adam, M Eisenbarth, M Ehresmann
IEEE software 25 (3), 71-77, 2008
Elicitation of requirements from user documentation
I John, J Dörr
Ninth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for …, 2003
Elicitation of use cases for product lines
A Fantechi, S Gnesi, I John, G Lami, J Dörr
Software Product-Family Engineering: 5th International Workshop, PFE 2003 …, 2004
What you need is what you get!: the vision of view-based requirements specifications
A Gross, J Doerr
2012 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 171-180, 2012
Towards Ubiquitous RE: A Perspective on Requirements Engineering in the Era of Digital Transformation
CVAE Karina Villela, Anne Hess, Matthias Koch, Rodrigo Falcao, Eduard Groen ...
26th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2018
Scripting over-the-air: towards containers on low-end devices in the internet of things
E Baccelli, J Doerr, S Kikuchi, FA Padilla, K Schleiser, I Thomas
2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2018
Built-in user satisfaction-Feature appraisal and prioritization with AMUSE
J Doerr, S Hartkopf, D Kerkow, D Landmann, P Amthor
15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2007), 101-110, 2007
Elicitation of a complete set of non-functional requirements
J Dörr
Fraunhofer Verlag, 2011
Agile methods in software engineering education
C Bunse, RL Feldmann, J Dörr
International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in …, 2004
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Articles 1–20