Mary-Anne Lea
Mary-Anne Lea
Professor polar/marine predator ecology, IMAS, University of Tasmania
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Continuous‐time correlated random walk model for animal telemetry data
DS Johnson, JM London, MA Lea, JW Durban
Ecology 89 (5), 1208-1215, 2008
Climate change and Southern Ocean ecosystems I: how changes in physical habitats directly affect marine biota
AJ Constable, J Melbourne‐Thomas, SP Corney, KR Arrigo, C Barbraud, ...
Global change biology 20 (10), 3004-3025, 2014
Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems
MA Hindell, RR Reisinger, Y Ropert-Coudert, LA Hückstädt, PN Trathan, ...
Nature 580 (7801), 87-92, 2020
Spatial distribution of foraging in female Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in relation to oceanographic variables: a scale-dependent approach using geographic …
C Guinet, L Dubroca, MA Lea, S Goldsworthy, Y Cherel, G Duhamel, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 219, 251-264, 2001
Defining Southern Ocean fronts and their influence on biological and physical processes in a changing climate
CC Chapman, MA Lea, A Meyer, JB Sallée, M Hindell
Nature Climate Change 10 (3), 209-219, 2020
Important marine habitat off east Antarctica revealed by two decades of multi‐species predator tracking
B Raymond, MA Lea, T Patterson, V Andrews‐Goff, R Sharples, ...
Ecography 38 (2), 121-129, 2015
Marine mammals exploring the oceans pole to pole: a review of the MEOP consortium
AM Treasure, F Roquet, IJ Ansorge, MN Bester, L Boehme, H Bornemann, ...
Oceanography 30 (2), 132-138, 2017
Optimised scat collection protocols for dietary DNA metabarcoding in vertebrates
JC McInnes, R Alderman, BE Deagle, MA Lea, B Raymond, SN Jarman
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), 192-202, 2017
Antarctic fur seals foraging in the Polar Frontal Zone: inter-annual shifts in diet as shown from fecal and fatty acid analyses
MA Lea, Y Cherel, C Guinet, PD Nichols
Marine Ecology Progress Series 245, 281-297, 2002
Fatty acid composition of lipid-rich myctophids and mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) – Southern Ocean food-web implications
MA Lea, PD Nichols, G Wilson
Polar Biology 25, 843-854, 2002
Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans
AMM Sequeira, JP Rodríguez, VM Eguíluz, R Harcourt, M Hindell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (12), 3072-3077, 2018
The importance of sample size in marine megafauna tagging studies
AMM Sequeira, MR Heupel, MA Lea, VM Eguíluz, CM Duarte, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (6), e01947, 2019
High occurrence of jellyfish predation by black‐browed and Campbell albatross identified by DNA metabarcoding
JC McInnes, R Alderman, MA Lea, B Raymond, BE Deagle, RA Phillips, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (18), 4831-4845, 2017
Impacts of climatic anomalies on provisioning strategies of a Southern Ocean predator
MA Lea, C Guinet, Y Cherel, G Duhamel, L Dubroca, P Pruvost, M Hindell
Marine Ecology Progress Series 310, 77-94, 2006
Confusion reigns? A review of marine megafauna interactions with tidal-stream environments
S Benjamins, AC Dale, G Hastie, JJ Waggitt, MA Lea, B Scott, B Wilson
Oceanography and marine biology: An annual review 53 (53), 1-54, 2015
Foraging ground fidelity and route-choice tactics of a marine predator: the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella
F Bonadonna, MA Lea, O Dehorter, C Guinet
Marine Ecology Progress Series 223, 287-297, 2001
When large marine predators feed on fisheries catches: global patterns of the depredation conflict and directions for coexistence
P Tixier, MA Lea, MA Hindell, D Welsford, C Mazé, S Gourguet, ...
Fish and Fisheries 22 (1), 31-53, 2021
Polar lessons learned: long‐term management based on shared threats in Arctic and Antarctic environments
JR Bennett, JD Shaw, A Terauds, JP Smol, R Aerts, DM Bergstrom, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13 (6), 316-324, 2015
Overhauling ocean spatial planning to improve marine megafauna conservation
AMM Sequeira, GC Hays, DW Sims, VM Eguíluz, JP Rodríguez, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 639, 2019
the energetic value of zooplankton and nekton species of the Southern Ocean
FL Schaafsma, Y Cherel, H Flores, JA Van Franeker, MA Lea, B Raymond, ...
Marine Biology 165, 1-35, 2018
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Articles 1–20