Ildikó Asztalos Morell
Ildikó Asztalos Morell
Swedish University of Agricultural Studies SLU, Department of Urban and Rural Studies SOL
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Emancipation's Dead-End Roads'
IA Morell
Studies in the Formation and Development of the Hungarian Model for …, 1999
Food sovereignty of the Indigenous peoples in the Arctic Zone of Western Siberia: response to COVID-19 pandemic
E Bogdanova, S Andronov, I Asztalos Morell, K Hossain, D Raheem, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (20), 7570, 2020
Gender regimes, citizen participation and rural restructuring
I Asztalos Morell, BB Bock
Elsevier, 2008
Gendering postsocialism
Y Gradskova, IA Morell
Old Legacies and New Hierarchies, Milton: Routledge, 2018
Family and gender in the transformation of the countryside
IA Morell, B Brandth
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 38 (3), 371-378, 2007
Rural gender regimes: The development of rural gender research and design of a comparative approach
IA Morell, BB Bock
Gender Regimes, Citizen Participation and Rural Restructuring 13, 3-30, 2007
Critical Reflexivity in Political Ecology Research: How can the Covid-19 Pandemic Transform us Into Better Researchers?
N Gonda, S Leder, M González-Hidalgo, L Chiwona-Karltun, ...
Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3, 652968, 2021
Workfare with a human face?
IA Morell
Metszetek-Társadalomtudományi folyóirat 3 (4), 3-24, 2014
Forskningscirkel-arena för verksamhetsutveckling i mångfald
P Lahdenperä, O Aytar, M Darvishpour, M Jakobsson, T Messing, ...
Mälardalens högskola, 2011
Gendering the digitalized metal industry
J Johansson, I Asztalos Morell, E Lindell
Gender, Work & Organization 27 (6), 1321-1345, 2020
How to combine motherhood and wage labour: Hungarian expert perspectives during the 1960s
IA Morell
Gender, Equality and Difference During and After State Socialism, 41-62, 2007
The securitization of asylum seeking in Sweden after 2015 in light of experiences of asylum-seeking girls with roots in Afghanistan
I Asztalos Morell, M Darvishpour
The HAgue: Eleven, 2018
State-socialist legacies, global challenges and (re) building of tradition
IA Morell, Y Gradskova
Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies, 2018
A nemek közötti egyenlötlenségek az államszocializmus korszakában: Tézisek a feminista megközelitéshez
I Asztalos Morell
Szociológiai Szemle, 33-66, 1997
Can renewable energy contribute to poverty reduction? A case study on Romafa, a Hungarian leader
IA Morell
Evaluating the European Approach to Rural Development, 183-206, 2016
Roma women’s vulnerabilities in the recognition struggles of a Hungarian Roma women’s NGO
I Asztalos Morell
Analize: Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies 7, 19-26, 2016
Indigenous women’s reproductive health in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia: Challenges and solutions
E Bogdanova, S Andronov, A Lobanov, R Kochkin, A Popov, ...
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 80 (1), 1855913, 2021
Contestations of the Swedish Deportation Regime: Civil Mobilisation for and with Afghan Youth
IA Morell
In: Feischmidt M., Pries L., Cantat C. (eds) Refugee Protection and Civil …, 2019
Gender equality: An intersectional analysis with focus on Roma women in Hungarian NGOs
I Asztalos Morell
Baltic Worlds 8 (3-4), 34-46, 2015
“I do not understand how I became a farmer”: The small-peasant path to family farm enterprise in post-socialist rural Hungary
I Asztalos Morell
Development Studies Research. An Open Access Journal 1 (1), 88-99, 2014
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