Anne Gauthier
Cited by
Cited by
The state and the family: A comparative analysis of family policies in industrialized countries
AH Gauthier
Oxford University Press, 1996
The impact of family policies on fertility in industrialized countries: a review of the literature
AH Gauthier
Population research and policy review 26, 323-346, 2007
Family benefits and fertility: An econometric analysis
AH Gauthier, J Hatzius
Population studies 51 (3), 295-306, 1997
Are parents investing less time in children? Trends in selected industrialized countries
AH Gauthier, TM Smeeding, FF Furstenberg Jr
Population and development review 30 (4), 647-672, 2004
Educational differences in parents’ time with children: Cross‐national variations
LC Sayer, AH Gauthier, FF Furstenberg Jr
Journal of marriage and family 66 (5), 1152-1169, 2004
Family policies in industrialized countries: Is there convergence?
AH Gauthier
Population 57 (3), 447-474, 2002
Time use at older ages: Cross-national differences
AH Gauthier, TM Smeeding
Research on Aging 25 (3), 247-274, 2003
Family policies in developed countries: A ‘fertility-booster’with side-effects
O Thévenon, AH Gauthier
Community, Work & Family 14 (2), 197-216, 2011
A review of the literature on the social and economic determinants of parental time
B Monna, AH Gauthier
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 29, 634-653, 2008
The social determinants of child health: variations across health outcomes–a population-based cross-sectional analysis
CC Victorino, AH Gauthier
BMC pediatrics 9, 1-12, 2009
Heterogeneity in the transition to adulthood: The cases of Australia, Canada, and the United States: Hétérogénéité dans le passage à l'âge adulte: Cas de l'Australie, du Canada …
E Fussell, AH Gauthier, A Evans
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de démographie 23, 389-414, 2007
Can policies enhance fertility in Europe?
AH Gauthier, D Philipov
Vienna yearbook of population research, 1-16, 2008
The transition to adulthood: A time use perspective
AH Gauthier, FF Furstenberg Jr
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 580 (1 …, 2002
Generations and Gender Survey study profile
AH Gauthier, S Cabaço, T Emery
Longitudinal and Life course studies 9 (4), 456-465, 2018
Multinational time use study: user’s guide and documentation
K Fisher, J Gershuny, A Gauthier
Centre for Time Use Research, University of Oxford, 2012
Trends in policies for family-friendly societies
AH Gauthier
The new demographic regime: Population challenges and policy responses, 95-110, 2005
Becoming a Young Adult: An International Perspective on the Transitions to Adulthood: Devenir un jeune adulte: une perspective internationale sur le passage à l’âge adulte
AH Gauthier
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de Démographie 23, 217-223, 2007
Public policies affecting fertility and families in Europe: A survey of the 15 member states
AH Gauthier
European Observatory on Family Matters Annual Seminar, 15-16, 2000
Comparative Family Policy Database-Version 3 [computer file]
AH Gauthier
Comparative family policy database, version 3
AH Gauthier
Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute and Max Planck Institute …, 2011
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Articles 1–20