Michael Colaresi
Cited by
Cited by
How to analyze political attention with minimal assumptions and costs
KM Quinn, BL Monroe, M Colaresi, MH Crespin, DR Radev
American Journal of Political Science 54 (1), 209-228, 2010
Fightin'words: Lexical feature selection and evaluation for identifying the content of political conflict
BL Monroe, MP Colaresi, KM Quinn
Political Analysis 16 (4), 372-403, 2008
Strategic rivalries in world politics: Position, space and conflict escalation
MP Colaresi, K Rasler, WR Thompson
Cambridge University Press, 2008
Governments, informal links to militias, and accountability
SC Carey, MP Colaresi, NJ Mitchell
Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (5), 850-876, 2015
When doves cry: International rivalry, unreciprocated cooperation, and leadership turnover
M Colaresi
American Journal of Political Science 48 (3), 555-570, 2004
Strategic rivalries, protracted conflict, and crisis escalation
M Colaresi, WR Thompson
Journal of Peace Research 39 (3), 263-287, 2002
ViEWS: A political violence early-warning system
H Hegre, M Allansson, M Basedau, M Colaresi, M Croicu, H Fjelde, ...
Journal of peace research 56 (2), 155-174, 2019
Scare tactics: The politics of international rivalry
MP Colaresi
Syracuse University Press, 2005
Hot spots or hot hands? Serial crisis behavior, escalating risks, and rivalry
MP Colaresi, WR Thompson
The Journal of Politics 64 (4), 1175-1198, 2002
Do the robot: Lessons from machine learning to improve conflict forecasting
M Colaresi, Z Mahmood
Journal of Peace Research 54 (2), 193-214, 2017
Democracy declassified: the secrecy dilemma in national security
MP Colaresi
Oxford University Press, USA, 2014
The economic development-democratization relationship: Does the outside world matter?
M Colaresi, WR Thompson
Comparative Political Studies 36 (4), 381-403, 2003
To kill or to protect: Security forces, domestic institutions, and genocide
M Colaresi, SC Carey
Journal of Conflict Resolution 52 (1), 39-67, 2008
The dynamics of reciprocity, accountability, and credibility
PT Brandt, M Colaresi, JR Freeman
Journal of Conflict Resolution 52 (3), 343-374, 2008
Alliances, arms buildups and recurrent conflict: Testing a steps-to-war model
MP Colaresi, WR Thompson
The Journal of Politics 67 (2), 345-364, 2005
The benefit of the doubt: Testing an informational theory of the rally effect
M Colaresi
International Organization 61 (1), 99-143, 2007
An automated method of topic-coding legislative speech over time with application to the 105th-108th US Senate
KM Quinn, BL Monroe, M Colaresi, MH Crespin, DR Radev
Midwest political science association meeting, 1-61, 2006
Risk mitigation, regime security, and militias: Beyond coup-proofing
SC Carey, MP Colaresi, NJ Mitchell
International Studies Quarterly 60 (1), 59-72, 2016
Shocks to the system: Great power rivalry and the leadership long cycle
M Colaresi
Journal of Conflict Resolution 45 (5), 569-593, 2001
Aftershocks: Postwar leadership survival, rivalry, and regime dynamics
M Colaresi
International Studies Quarterly 48 (4), 713-727, 2004
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Articles 1–20