Emanuel Alsina
Cited by
Cited by
Artificial neural network optimisation for monthly average daily global solar radiation prediction
EF Alsina, M Bortolini, M Gamberi, A Regattieri
Energy conversion and management 120, 320-329, 2016
On the use of machine learning methods to predict component reliability from data-driven industrial case studies
EF Alsina, M Chica, K Trawiński, A Regattieri
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 94, 2419-2433, 2018
The myopia of crowds: Cognitive load and collective evaluation of answers on Stack Exchange
K Burghardt, EF Alsina, M Girvan, W Rand, K Lerman
PloS one 12 (3), e0173610, 2017
A neural network approach to find the cumulative failure distribution: modeling and experimental evidence
EF Alsina, G Cabri, A Regattieri
Quality and reliability engineering international 32 (2), 567-579, 2016
A context-aware agent-based approach for deregulated energy market
N Capodieci, EF Alsina, G Cabri
2012 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Enabling Technologies …, 2012
The myopia of crowds: A study of collective evaluation on stack exchange
K Burghardt, EF Alsina, M Girvan, W Rand, K Lerman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.07388, 2016
An agent-based approach to simulate production, degradation, repair, replacement and preventive maintenance of manufacturing systems
EF Alsina, G Cabri, A Regattieri
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Production and …, 2014
The success of question answering communities: How diversity influences ad hoc groups
EF Alsina, W Rand, K Lerman
Collective Intelligence, 1-4, 2015
The influence of the picking times of the components in time and space assembly line balancing problems: an approach with evolutionary algorithms
EF Alsina, N Capodieci, G Cabri, A Regattieri, M Gamberi, F Pilati, ...
2015 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence, 1021-1028, 2015
Context‐awareness in the deregulated electric energy market: an agent‐based approach
N Capodieci, EF Alsina, G Cabri
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (6), 1513-1524, 2015
Modelli per la previsione e la gestione di sistemi complessi in ambienti dinamici e industriali
An agent-based approach for transportation scheduling in developing countries
EF Alsina, G Cabri
2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Production and …, 2013
An agent-based approach for finding the optimal dwell point in automated storage/retrieval systems
E Alsina, G Cabri, A Regattieri, G Santarelli
Proocedings of 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge …, 2013
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Articles 1–13