Jason Rothman
Jason Rothman
Professor of Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Science (Lancaster University)
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Understanding the nature and outcomes of early bilingualism: Romance languages as heritage languages
J Rothman
International journal of bilingualism 13 (2), 155-163, 2009
L3 syntactic transfer selectivity and typological determinacy: The typological primacy model
J Rothman
Second language research 27 (1), 107-127, 2011
Linguistic and cognitive motivations for the Typological Primacy Model (TPM) of third language (L3) transfer: Timing of acquisition and proficiency considered
J Rothman
Bilingualism: language and cognition 18 (2), 179-190, 2015
Terminology matters! Why difference is not incompleteness and how early child bilinguals are heritage speakers
T Kupisch, J Rothman
International Journal of Bilingualism 22 (5), 564-582, 2018
Heritage speaker competence differences, language change, and input type: Inflected infinitives in Heritage Brazilian Portuguese
J Rothman
International Journal of Bilingualism 11 (4), 359-389, 2007
Redefining bilingualism as a spectrum of experiences that differentially affects brain structure and function
V DeLuca, J Rothman, E Bialystok, C Pliatsikas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (15), 7565-7574, 2019
What variables condition syntactic transfer? A look at the L3 initial state
J Rothman, J Cabrelli Amaro
Second Language Research 26 (2), 189-218, 2010
The (il) logical problem of heritage speaker bilingualism and incomplete acquisition
DPY Cabo, J Rothman
Applied linguistics 33 (4), 450-455, 2012
Pragmatic deficits with syntactic consequences?: L2 pronominal subjects and the syntax–pragmatics interface
J Rothman
Journal of Pragmatics 41 (5), 951-973, 2009
On the typological economy of syntactic transfer: Word order and relative clause high/low attachment preference in L3 Brazilian Portuguese
J Rothman
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 48 (2-3), 245-273, 2010
Disentangling contributing variables to incomplete acquisition competence outcomes: What differences across Brazilian and European Portuguese heritage speakers tell us
J Rothman
International Journal of Bilingualism, 2009
A prolegomenon to the construct of the native speaker: Heritage speaker bilinguals are natives too!
J Rothman, J Treffers-Daller
Applied linguistics 35 (1), 93-98, 2014
Third language acquisition and linguistic transfer
J Rothman, JG Alonso, E Puig-Mayenco
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Cognitive economy, non-redundancy and typological primacy in L3 acquisition: Initial stages of L3 Romance and beyond
J Rothman
Romance languages and linguistic theory 2011: Selected papers from'Going …, 2013
A systematic review of transfer studies in third language acquisition
E Puig-Mayenco, J González Alonso, J Rothman
Second Language Research 36 (1), 31-64, 2020
The generative approach to SLA and its place in modern second language studies
J Rothman, R Slabakova
Studies in second language acquisition 40 (2), 417-442, 2018
Clitic-doubled left dislocation and focus fronting in L2 Spanish: A case of successful acquisition at the syntax–discourse interface
R Slabakova, P Kempchinsky, J Rothman
Second Language Research 28 (3), 319-343, 2012
Third language acquisition in adulthood
J Cabrelli, J Rothman, S Flynn
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012
On the phantom-like appearance of bilingualism effects on neurocognition:(How) should we proceed?
E Leivada, M Westergaard, JA Duñabeitia, J Rothman
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24 (1), 197-210, 2021
Monolingual comparative normativity in bilingualism research is out of “control”: Arguments and alternatives
J Rothman, F Bayram, V DeLuca, G Di Pisa, JA Dunabeitia, K Gharibi, ...
Applied Psycholinguistics 44 (3), 316-329, 2023
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Articles 1–20