Ditho Pulungan
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Cited by
Identifying design parameters controlling damage behaviors of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites using micromechanics as a virtual testing tool
D Pulungan, G Lubineau, A Yudhanto, R Yaldiz, W Schijve
International Journal of Solids and Structures 117, 177-190, 2017
Monotonic and cyclic responses of impact polypropylene and continuous glass fiber-reinforced impact polypropylene composites at different strain rates
A Yudhanto, G Lubineau, H Wafai, M Mulle, D Pulungan, R Yaldiz, ...
Polymer Testing 51, 93-100, 2016
An experimental study on the influence of intralaminar damage on interlaminar delamination properties of laminated composites
P Hu, D Pulungan, R Tao, G Lubineau
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 131, 105783, 2020
Toughness amplification in copper/epoxy joints through pulsed laser micro-machined interface heterogeneities
E Hernandez, M Alfano, D Pulungan, G Lubineau
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16344, 2017
Influence of curing processes on the development of fiber bridging during delamination in composite laminates
P Hu, D Pulungan, R Tao, G Lubineau
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 149, 106564, 2021
Characterizing and modeling the pressure-and rate-dependent elastic-plastic-damage behavior of polypropylene-based polymers
D Pulungan, A Yudhanto, S Goutham, G Lubineau, R Yaldiz, W Schijve
Polymer Testing 68, 433-445, 2018
An enriched cohesive law using plane-part of interfacial strains to model intra/inter laminar coupling in laminated composites
P Hu, D Pulungan, G Lubineau
Composites Science and Technology 200, 108460, 2020
On capturing rate-dependent anisotropic behavior of sheet metal forming using a viscoplastic computational framework
Afdhal, L Gunawan, T Dirgantara, SP Santosa, F Adziman, DA Pulungan
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 31 (3), 518-532, 2024
Characterizing and modeling the progressive damage of off-axis thermoplastic plies: Effect of ply confinement
D Pulungan, A Yudhanto, G Lubineau
Composite Structures 246, 112397, 2020
Promoting bridging in adhesively bonded composites with polymer inserts: A computational perspective
D Pulungan, S Andika, T Dirgantara, R Wirawan, H Judawisastra, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 180, 108107, 2024
Numerical Simulation of Aluminum Plate Damage Subjected to Hydrodynamic Impact
L Gunawan, R Hakim, S Wicaksono, A Jusuf, T Dirgantara, DA Pulungan
Procedia Structural Integrity 52, 560-569, 2024
Damage and failure of thermoplastic laminates with layer-like and bundle-like fiber clusters
A Yudhanto, G Lubineau, DA Pulungan, H Wafai, W Schijve, N Verghese
20th International Conference on Composite Materials, 19-24, 2015
Numerical analysis on the collapse behavior of a thin-walled metal crash box with manufacturing process-induced defects
M Raihan Firdaus, A Jusuf, L Gunawan, T Dirgantara, Afdhal, D Pulungan
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2025
Crashworthiness performance of double-hat column made of anisotropic sheet metals under axial impact load
A Aziz, D Pulungan, Afdhal, L Gunawan, T Dirgantara
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2025
Low-velocity Impact Damage of Foam-core Sandwich T-joints: Numerical Study
S Wicaksono, L Fitriyah, A Jusuf, MR Firdaus, T Dirgantara, ...
Procedia Structural Integrity 52, 438-454, 2024
Competition between rate-dependency of bulk laminates and interlaminar interface on the responses of thermoplastic composites
DA Pulungan, P Hu, A Yudhanto, G Lubineau, R Yaldiz
Applied Mechanics Laboratory, 2020
Toughness amplification in copper/epoxy joints through pulsed laser micro-machined interface heterogeneities
EH Diaz, M Alfano, DA Pulungan, G Lubineau
Springer Nature, 2017
Micromechanics as a virtual testing tool to understand damage behaviours of continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites
DA Pulungan, G Lubineau, A Yudhanto, R Yaldiz, W Schijve
European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM, 2016
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Articles 1–18