Fei Xiong
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Cited by
An information diffusion model based on retweeting mechanism for online social media
F Xiong, Y Liu, Z Zhang, J Zhu, Y Zhang
Physics letters A 376 (30-31), 2103-2108, 2012
The research of information dissemination model on online social network
YC Zhang, Y Liu, HF Zhang, H Cheng, F Xiong
Acta Physica Sinica 60 (5), 50501-050501, 2011
Opinion formation on social media: an empirical approach
F Xiong, Y Liu
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 24 (1), 2014
Anomaly detection in dynamic graphs via transformer
Y Liu, S Pan, YG Wang, F Xiong, L Wang, Q Chen, VCS Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (12), 12081-12094, 2021
Social recommendation with evolutionary opinion dynamics
F Xiong, X Wang, S Pan, H Yang, H Wang, C Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 50 (10), 3804-3816, 2018
Exploiting implicit influence from information propagation for social recommendation
F Xiong, W Shen, H Chen, S Pan, X Wang, Z Yan
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (10), 4186-4199, 2019
A novel measure of identifying influential nodes in complex networks
Z Lv, N Zhao, F Xiong, N Chen
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 523, 488-497, 2019
Modeling and predicting opinion formation with trust propagation in online social networks
F Xiong, Y Liu, J Cheng
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 44, 513-524, 2017
Statistically modeling the effectiveness of disaster information in social media
J Zhu, F Xiong, D Piao, Y Liu, Y Zhang
2011 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, 431-436, 2011
Topological Influence‐Aware Recommendation on Social Networks
Z Li, F Xiong, X Wang, H Chen, X Xiong
Complexity 2019 (1), 6325654, 2019
TruGRC: Trust-aware group recommendation with virtual coordinators
X Wang, Y Liu, J Lu, F Xiong, G Zhang
Future Generation Computer Systems 94, 224-236, 2019
Identify topic relations in scientific literature using topic modeling
H Chen, X Wang, S Pan, F Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 68 (5), 1232-1244, 2019
Movie collaborative filtering with multiplex implicit feedbacks
Y Hu, F Xiong, D Lu, X Wang, X Xiong, H Chen
Neurocomputing 398, 485-494, 2020
Empirical analysis of microblog centrality and spread influence based on Bi-directional connection
Y Wei-Guo, L Yun, C Jun-Jun, X Fei
Acta Physica Sinica 62 (3), 38901-038901, 2013
Distributed feature selection for big data using fuzzy rough sets
L Kong, W Qu, J Yu, H Zuo, G Chen, F Xiong, S Pan, S Lin, M Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28 (5), 846-857, 2019
Bayesian personalized ranking based on multiple-layer neighborhoods
Y Hu, F Xiong, S Pan, X Xiong, L Wang, H Chen
Information Sciences 542, 156-176, 2021
Where to go: An effective point-of-interest recommendation framework for heterogeneous social networks
X Xiong, S Qiao, N Han, F Xiong, Z Bu, RH Li, K Yue, G Yuan
Neurocomputing 373, 56-69, 2020
Mobile crowd sensing task optimal allocation: A mobility pattern matching perspective
L Wang, Z Yu, B Guo, F Yi, F Xiong
Frontiers of Computer Science 12, 231-244, 2018
Influence spread in geo-social networks: a multiobjective optimization perspective
L Wang, Z Yu, F Xiong, D Yang, S Pan, Z Yan
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 51 (5), 2663-2675, 2019
Improved personalized recommendation based on a similarity network
X Wang, Y Liu, F Xiong
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 456, 271-280, 2016
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Articles 1–20