Georgios Pipintakos
Georgios Pipintakos
Postdoc Research Fellow FWO & University of Antwerp
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Identification of ageing state clusters of reclaimed asphalt binders using principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) based on chemo-rheological …
A Margaritis, H Soenen, E Fransen, G Pipintakos, G Jacobs, J Blom, ...
Construction and Building Materials 244, 118276, 2020
Exploring the oxidative mechanisms of bitumen after laboratory short-and long-term ageing
G Pipintakos, H Soenen, HYV Ching, CML Vande Velde, S Van Doorslaer, ...
Construction and Building Materials 289, 123182, 2021
Application of atomic force (AFM), environmental scanning electron (ESEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) in bitumen: A review of the ageing effect
G Pipintakos, N Hasheminejad, C Lommaert, A Bocharova, J Blom
Micron 147, 103083, 2021
Experimental investigation of the oxidative ageing mechanisms in bitumen
G Pipintakos, HYV Ching, H Soenen, P Sjövall, U Mühlich, ...
Construction and Building Materials 260, 119702, 2020
Chemo-rheological study of hardening of epoxy modified bituminous binders with the finite element method
P Apostolidis, X Liu, C Kasbergen, MFC van de Ven, G Pipintakos, ...
Transportation Research Record 2672 (28), 190-199, 2018
Analysis of asphaltenes and maltenes before and after long-term aging of bitumen
X Lu, H Soenen, P Sjövall, G Pipintakos
Fuel 304, 121426, 2021
Comparison of microscopic techniques to study the diversity of the bitumen microstructure
J Mirwald, B Hofko, G Pipintakos, J Blom, H Soenen
Micron 159, 103294, 2022
Do chemistry and rheology follow the same laboratory ageing trends in bitumen?
G Pipintakos, C Lommaert, A Varveri, W Van den Bergh
Materials and Structures 55 (5), 146, 2022
Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of a Transparent Asphalt Binder Modified with Nano-TiO2
I Rocha Segundo, S Landi Jr, A Margaritis, G Pipintakos, E Freitas, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (11), 2152, 2020
Coupling AFM and CLSM to investigate the effect of ageing on the bee structures of bitumen
G Pipintakos, J Blom, H Soenen, W Van den bergh
Micron, 103149, 2021
Identification of corrosion minerals using shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging
T De Kerf, G Pipintakos, Z Zahiri, S Vanlanduit, P Scheunders
Sensors 22 (1), 407, 2022
Mechanism based diffusion-reaction modelling for predicting the influence of SARA composition and ageing stage on spurt completion time and diffusivity in bitumen
U Mühlich, G Pipintakos, C Tsakalidis
Construction and Building Materials 267, 120592, 2021
Utilizing deep learning and advanced image processing techniques to investigate the microstructure of a waxy bitumen
N Hasheminejad, G Pipintakos, C Vuye, T De Kerf, T Ghalandari, J Blom
Construction and Building Materials 313, 125481, 2021
Towards an enhanced fatigue evaluation of bituminous mortars
A Margaritis, G Pipintakos, A Varveri, G Jacobs, N Hasheminejad, J Blom, ...
Construction and Building Materials 275, 121578, 2021
Effects of short-term aging on the compactibility and volumetric properties of asphalt mixtures using the response surface method
SR Omranian, MO Hamzah, G Pipintakos, W Van den Bergh, C Vuye, ...
Sustainability 12 (15), 6181, 2020
Assessing the potential of application of titanium dioxide for photocatalytic degradation of deposited soot on asphalt pavement surfaces
SR Omranian, M Geluykens, M Van Hal, N Hasheminejad, IR Segundo, ...
Construction and Building Materials 350, 128859, 2022
Crystallinity of Bitumen via WAXD and DSC and Its Effect on the Surface Microstructure
G Pipintakos, H Soenen, B Goderis, J Blom, X Lu
Crystals 12 (6), 755, 2022
Interpreting the effectiveness of antioxidants to increase the resilience of asphalt binders: A global interlaboratory study
D Adwani, A Sreeram, G Pipintakos, J Mirwald, Y Wang, R Hajj, R Jing, ...
Construction and Building Materials 366, 130231, 2023
Engineering bitumen for future asphalt pavements: A review of chemistry, structure and rheology
G Pipintakos, A Sreeram, J Mirwald, A Bhasin
Materials & Design, 113157, 2024
Evaluating the role of recycling rate and rejuvenator on the chemo-rheological properties of reclaimed polymer-modified binders
A Margaritis, G Pipintakos, G Jacobs, D Hernando, M Bruynen, J Bruurs, ...
Road Materials and Pavement Design 22 (sup1), S83-S98, 2021
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Articles 1–20