Erwin Wauters
Erwin Wauters
Senior researcher, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research - Social Sciences Unit
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SAFE—A hierarchical framework for assessing the sustainability of agricultural systems
N Van Cauwenbergh, K Biala, C Bielders, V Brouckaert, L Franchois, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 120 (2-4), 229-242, 2007
A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems
MPM Meuwissen, PH Feindt, A Spiegel, CJAM Termeer, E Mathijs, ...
Agricultural Systems 176, 102656, 2019
Adoption of soil conservation practices in Belgium: An examination of the theory of planned behaviour in the agri-environmental domain
E Wauters, C Bielders, J Poesen, G Govers, E Mathijs
Land use policy 27 (1), 86-94, 2010
Smallholder farmers' motivations for using Conservation Agriculture and the roles of yield, labour and soil fertility in decision making
B Lalani, P Dorward, G Holloway, E Wauters
Agricultural Systems 146, 80-90, 2016
Determinants of risk behaviour: effects of perceived risks and risk attitude on farmer’s adoption of risk management strategies
F van Winsen, Y de Mey, L Lauwers, S Van Passel, M Vancauteren, ...
Journal of Risk Research 19 (1), 56-78, 2016
The Organizational Innovation System: A systemic framework for radical innovation at the organizational level
J Van Lancker, K Mondelaers, E Wauters, G Van Huylenbroeck
Technovation 52, 40-50, 2016
Managing innovation in the bioeconomy: An open innovation perspective
J Van Lancker, E Wauters, G Van Huylenbroeck
Biomass and Bioenergy 90, 60-69, 2016
Framework for assessing sustainability levels in Belgium agricultural systems-SAFE
X Sauvenier, J Valckx, N Van Cauwenbergh, E Wauters, H Bachev, ...
Farm-economic analysis of reducing antimicrobial use whilst adopting improved management strategies on farrow-to-finish pig farms
C Rojo-Gimeno, M Postma, J Dewulf, H Hogeveen, L Lauwers, E Wauters
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 129, 74-87, 2016
Herd-specific interventions to reduce antimicrobial usage in pig production without jeopardising technical and economic performance
L Collineau, C Rojo-Gimeno, A Léger, A Backhans, S Loesken, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 144, 167-178, 2017
Impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking
MPM Meuwissen, PH Feindt, T Slijper, A Spiegel, R Finger, Y De Mey, ...
Agricultural Systems 191, 103152, 2021
The adoption of farm level soil conservation practices in developed countries: A meta-analytic review
E Wauters, E Mathijs
International journal of agricultural resources, governance and ecology 10 …, 2014
Cognitive mapping: A method to elucidate and present farmers’ risk perception
F Van Winsen, Y de Mey, L Lauwers, S Van Passel, M Vancauteren, ...
Agricultural systems 122, 42-52, 2013
COVID-19 impacts on Flemish food supply chains and lessons for agri-food system resilience
I Coopmans, J Bijttebier, F Marchand, E Mathijs, L Messely, E Rogge, ...
Agricultural Systems 190, 103136, 2021
Understanding farm generational renewal and its influencing factors in Europe
I Coopmans, J Dessein, F Accatino, F Antonioli, D Bertolozzi-Caredio, ...
Journal of Rural Studies 86, 398-409, 2021
An investigation into the socio-psychological determinants of farmers' conservation decisions: method and implications for policy, extension and research
E Wauters, E Mathijs
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 19 (1), 53-72, 2013
Risk perception, attitudes towards risk and risk management: evidence and implications
E Wauters, F Van Winsen, Y De Mey, L Lauwers
Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika 60 (9), 389-405, 2014
Assessment of the value of information of precision livestock farming: A conceptual framework
C Rojo-Gimeno, M van der Voort, JK Niemi, L Lauwers, AR Kristensen, ...
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 90, 100311, 2019
Farm household risk balancing: empirical evidence from Switzerland
Y de Mey, E Wauters, D Schmid, M Lips, M Vancauteren, S Van Passel
European Review of Agricultural Economics 43 (4), 637-662, 2016
A sociopsychological analysis of agroforestry adoption in Flanders: understanding the discrepancy between conceptual opportunities and actual implementation
L Borremans, B Reubens, B Van Gils, D Baeyens, C Vandevelde, ...
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 40 (9), 1008-1036, 2016
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Articles 1–20