Davide Crepaldi
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Morphological processing as we know it: An analytical review of morphological effects in visual word identification
S Amenta, D Crepaldi
Frontiers in psychology 3, 232, 2012
MultiPic: A standardized set of 750 drawings with norms for six European languages
JA Duñabeitia, D Crepaldi, AS Meyer, B New, C Pliatsikas, E Smolka, ...
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 71 (4), 808-816, 2018
‘Fell’primes ‘fall’, but does ‘bell’prime ‘ball’? Masked priming with irregularly-inflected primes
D Crepaldi, K Rastle, M Coltheart, L Nickels
Journal of memory and language 63 (1), 83-99, 2010
A place for nouns and a place for verbs? A critical review of neurocognitive data on grammatical-class effects
D Crepaldi, M Berlingeri, E Paulesu, C Luzzatti
Brain and language 116 (1), 33-49, 2011
Noun–verb dissociation in aphasia: The role of imageability and functional locus of the lesion
D Crepaldi, S Aggujaro, LS Arduino, G Zonca, G Ghirardi, MG Inzaghi, ...
Neuropsychologia 44 (1), 73-89, 2006
Nouns and verbs in the brain: Grammatical class and task specific effects as revealed by fMRI
M Berlingeri, D Crepaldi, R Roberti, G Scialfa, C Luzzatti, E Paulesu
Cognitive neuropsychology 25 (4), 528-558, 2008
Morphemes in their place: Evidence for position-specific identification of suffixes
D Crepaldi, K Rastle, CJ Davis
Memory & cognition 38, 312-321, 2010
Clustering the lexicon in the brain: a meta-analysis of the neurofunctional evidence on noun and verb processing
D Crepaldi, M Berlingeri, I Cattinelli, NA Borghese, C Luzzatti, E Paulesu
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 303, 2013
Neuro-anatomical correlates of impaired retrieval of verbs and nouns: Interaction of grammatical class, imageability and actionality
S Aggujaro, D Crepaldi, C Pistarini, M Taricco, C Luzzatti
Journal of Neurolinguistics 19 (3), 175-194, 2006
Space and time in the sighted and blind
R Bottini, D Crepaldi, D Casasanto, V Crollen, O Collignon
Cognition 141, 67-72, 2015
Semantic transparency in free stems: the effect of Orthography–Semantics Consistency in word recognition
M Marelli, S Amenta, D Crepaldi
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2014
Seeing stems everywhere: position-independent identification of stem morphemes.
D Crepaldi, K Rastle, CJ Davis, SJ Lupker
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 (2), 510, 2013
The fruitless effort of growing a fruitless tree: Early morpho-orthographic and morpho-semantic effects in sentence reading.
S Amenta, M Marelli, D Crepaldi
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 2015
Verb-noun double dissociation in aphasia: theoretical and neuroanatomical foundations
C Luzzatti, S Aggujaro, D Crepaldi
Cortex 42 (6), 875-883, 2006
Meaning is in the beholder’s eye: Morpho-semantic effects in masked priming
M Marelli, S Amenta, EA Morone, D Crepaldi
Psychonomic bulletin & review 20, 534-541, 2013
Masked suffix priming and morpheme positional constraints
D Crepaldi, L Hemsworth, CJ Davis, K Rastle
Quartely Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2015
Head position and the mental representation of nominal compounds: A constituent priming study in Italian
M Marelli, D Crepaldi, C Luzzatti
The Mental Lexicon 4 (3), 430-454, 2009
Orthographic consistency influences morphological processing in reading aloud: Evidence from a cross‐linguistic study
P Mousikou, E Beyersmann, M Ktori, L Javourey‐Drevet, D Crepaldi, ...
Developmental Science 23 (6), e12952, 2020
Morphemes as letter chunks: Discovering affixes through visual regularities
JR Lelonkiewicz, M Ktori, D Crepaldi
Journal of Memory and language 115, 104152, 2020
The psycholinguistic and affective structure of words conveying pain
E Borelli, D Crepaldi, CA Porro, C Cacciari
PloS one 13 (6), e0199658, 2018
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Articles 1–20