Yuankai Huo
Yuankai Huo
Computer Science, Vanderbilt University
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Cited by
3D whole brain segmentation using spatially localized atlas network tiles
Y Huo, Z Xu, Y Xiong, K Aboud, P Parvathaneni, S Bao, C Bermudez, ...
NeuroImage 194, 105-119, 2019
Synseg-net: Synthetic segmentation without target modality ground truth
Y Huo, Z Xu, H Moon, S Bao, A Assad, TK Moyo, MR Savona, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (4), 1016-1025, 2018
Learn2Reg: comprehensive multi-task medical image registration challenge, dataset and evaluation in the era of deep learning
A Hering, L Hansen, TCW Mok, ACS Chung, H Siebert, S Häger, A Lange, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 42 (3), 697-712, 2022
Faster Mean-shift: GPU-accelerated clustering for cosine embedding-based cell segmentation and tracking
M Zhao, A Jha, Q Liu, BA Millis, A Mahadevan-Jansen, L Lu, BA Landman, ...
Medical Image Analysis 71, 102048, 2021
Segment anything model (sam) for digital pathology: Assess zero-shot segmentation on whole slide imaging
R Deng, C Cui, Q Liu, T Yao, LW Remedios, S Bao, BA Landman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.04155, 2023
Adversarial synthesis learning enables segmentation without target modality ground truth
Y Huo, Z Xu, S Bao, A Assad, RG Abramson, BA Landman
2018 IEEE 15th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
Synthesized b0 for diffusion distortion correction (Synb0-DisCo)
KG Schilling, J Blaber, Y Huo, A Newton, C Hansen, V Nath, AT Shafer, ...
Magnetic resonance imaging 64, 62-70, 2019
3d ux-net: A large kernel volumetric convnet modernizing hierarchical transformer for medical image segmentation
HH Lee, S Bao, Y Huo, BA Landman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.15076, 2022
Consistent cortical reconstruction and multi-atlas brain segmentation
Y Huo, AJ Plassard, A Carass, SM Resnick, DL Pham, JL Prince, ...
NeuroImage 138, 197-210, 2016
VoxelEmbed: 3D instance segmentation and tracking with voxel embedding based deep learning
M Zhao, Q Liu, A Jha, R Deng, T Yao, A Mahadevan-Jansen, MJ Tyska, ...
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: 12th International Workshop, MLMI 2021 …, 2021
Feature extraction of brain MRI by stationary wavelet transform and its applications
Y Zhang, S Wang, Y Huo, L Wu, A Liu
Journal of Biological Systems 18 (spec01), 115-132, 2010
An adaptive threshold for the Canny Operator of edge detection
YK Huo, G Wei, YD Zhang, LN Wu
2010 international conference on image analysis and signal processing, 371-374, 2010
Fully convolutional neural networks improve abdominal organ segmentation
MF Bobo, S Bao, Y Huo, Y Yao, J Virostko, AJ Plassard, I Lyu, A Assad, ...
Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing 10574, 750-757, 2018
Deep multimodal fusion of image and non-image data in disease diagnosis and prognosis: a review
C Cui, H Yang, Y Wang, S Zhao, Z Asad, LA Coburn, KT Wilson, ...
Progress in Biomedical Engineering 5 (2), 022001, 2023
AI applications in renal pathology
Y Huo, R Deng, Q Liu, AB Fogo, H Yang
Kidney international 99 (6), 1309-1320, 2021
Cross-scanner and cross-protocol multi-shell diffusion MRI data harmonization: Algorithms and results
L Ning, E Bonet-Carne, F Grussu, F Sepehrband, E Kaden, J Veraart, ...
Neuroimage 221, 117128, 2020
High-resolution 3D abdominal segmentation with random patch network fusion
Y Tang, R Gao, HH Lee, S Han, Y Chen, D Gao, V Nath, C Bermudez, ...
Medical image analysis 69, 101894, 2021
Wearmask: Fast in-browser face mask detection with serverless edge computing for covid-19
Z Wang, P Wang, PC Louis, LE Wheless, Y Huo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00784, 2021
Less is more: Simultaneous view classification and landmark detection for abdominal ultrasound images
Z Xu, Y Huo, JH Park, B Landman, A Milkowski, S Grbic, S Zhou
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
CircleNet: Anchor-free glomerulus detection with circle representation
H Yang, R Deng, Y Lu, Z Zhu, Y Chen, JT Roland, L Lu, BA Landman, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd …, 2020
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Articles 1–20