sujit sarkar
sujit sarkar
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Parametric analysis and optimization of wire electrical discharge machining of γ-titanium aluminide alloy
S Sarkar, S Mitra, B Bhattacharyya
Journal of materials processing technology 159 (3), 286-294, 2005
Parametric optimisation of wire electrical discharge machining of γ titanium aluminide alloy through an artificial neural network model
S Sarkar, S Mitra, B Bhattacharyya
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 27, 501-508, 2006
Farmers’ awareness and risk perception about climate change in coastal ecosystem of West Bengal
S Sarkar, RN Padaria
Indian research journal of extension education 10 (2), 32-38, 2010
Effect of chemicals and growth regulators on germination, vigour and growth of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.)
N Gurung, GSK Swamy, SK Sarkar, NB Ubale
The Bioscan 9 (1), 155-157, 2014
Formulation and evaluation of matrix microspheres for simultaneous delivery of salbutamol sulphate and theophylline
L Pachuau, S Sarkar, B Mazumder
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 7 (2), 995-1002, 2008
Reflection of generalized thermoelastic waves from isothermal and insulated boundaries of a half space
NC Das, A Lahiri, S Sarkar, S Basu
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56 (11), 2795-2805, 2008
Anomalous enhancement of ionospheric F2 layer critical frequency and total electron content over low latitudes before three recent major earthquakes in China
K Sharma, RS Dabas, SK Sarkar, RM Das, S Ravindran, AK Gwal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A11), 2010
Eigenvalue approach to three dimensional coupled thermoelasticity in a rotating transversely isotropic medium
NC Das, A Lahiri, S Sarkar
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences 25 (3), 237-257, 2009
Efficiency of some chemicals on crop regulation of Sardar guava
S Maji, BC Das, SK Sarkar
Scientia Horticulturae 188, 66-70, 2015
Lithium rich composition of Li2RuO3 and Li2Ru1-xIrxO3 layered materials as Li-ion battery cathode
S Sarkar, P Mahale, S Mitra
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 161 (6), A934, 2014
Prevalence of diabetes and impaired fasting glucose in a selected population with special reference to influence of family history and anthropometric measurements–The Kolkata …
S Kumar, S Mukherjee, P Mukhopadhyay, K Pandit, M Raychaudhuri, ...
JAPI 56, 841-844, 2008
Profiles of attendees in the voluntary counselling and testing centre of North Bengal Medical College in Darjeeling District of West Bengal
GK Joardar, A Sarkar, C Chatterjee, RN Bhattacharya, S Sarkar, ...
Indian Journal of Community Medicine 31 (4), 237, 2006
Assessing the potential of Indigenous Technological Knowledge (ITK) for adaptation to climate change in the Himalayan and arid ecosystems
S Sarkar, RN Padaria, K Vijayragavan, H Pathak, P Kumar, GK Jha
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2015
Validation of IRI-2007 against TEC observations during low solar activity over Indian sector
NK Sethi, RS Dabas, SK Sarkar
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (7-8), 751-759, 2011
Climate change risk perception, adaptation and mitigation strategy: An extension outlook in mountain Himalaya
A Mukherjee, S Rakshit, A Nag, M Ray, HL Kharbikar, K Shubha, S Sarkar, ...
Conservation agriculture: an approach to combat climate change in Indian …, 2016
Spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of atenolol and atorvastatin in tablet dosage forms
S Dey, S Sarkar, J Malakar, A Ghosh, A Gangopadhyay, B Mazumder
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research 3, 40-43, 2012
Measuring farmers’ awareness and knowledge level about climate change and formulating future extension strategies
S Sarkar, RN Padaria
Indian Res J Ext Educ 15 (1), 107-111, 2015
Flushing-flowering behavior and regulation in acid lime-A critical review and research interventions
HL Devi, SK Sarkar, L Dhanabati, D Majhi
Journal of Crop and Weed 7 (2), 87-90, 2011
Matrix method of solution of coupled differential equations and its applications in generalized thermoelasticity
A Lahiri, NC Das, S Sarkar, M Das
Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 101 (6), 571-590, 2009
Eigenvalue approach to thermoelastic interactions in an unbounded body with a spherical cavity
A Lahiri, B Das, S Sarkar
Proceedings of the world congress on engineering 3, 1881-1886, 2010
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Articles 1–20