Inge Timmers
Inge Timmers
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International clinical guideline for the management of classical galactosemia: diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up
L Welling, LE Bernstein, GT Berry, AB Burlina, F Eyskens, M Gautschi, ...
Journal of inherited metabolic disease 40, 171-176, 2017
The adult galactosemic phenotype
SE Waisbren, NL Potter, CM Gordon, RC Green, P Greenstein, ...
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease: Official Journal of the Society for …, 2012
Is empathy for pain unique in its neural correlates? A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of empathy
I Timmers, AL Park, MD Fischer, CA Kronman, LC Heathcote, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 12, 406760, 2018
The interaction between stress and chronic pain through the lens of threat learning
I Timmers, CWEM Quaedflieg, C Hsu, LC Heathcote, CR Rovnaghi, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 107, 641-655, 2019
Assessing microstructural substrates of white matter abnormalities: a comparative study using DTI and NODDI
I Timmers, A Roebroeck, M Bastiani, B Jansma, E Rubio-Gozalbo, ...
PloS one 11 (12), e0167884, 2016
White matter microstructure pathology in classic galactosemia revealed by neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging
I Timmers, H Zhang, M Bastiani, BM Jansma, A Roebroeck, ...
Journal of inherited metabolic disease 38, 295-304, 2015
Pain neuroscience education on YouTube
LC Heathcote, JW Pate, AL Park, HB Leake, GL Moseley, CA Kronman, ...
PeerJ 7, e6603, 2019
Fear of pain and cortisol reactivity predict the strength of stress‐induced hypoalgesia
I Timmers, AL Kaas, CWEM Quaedflieg, EE Biggs, T Smeets, JR de Jong
European Journal of Pain 22 (7), 1291-1303, 2018
White matter microstructural changes in adolescent anorexia nervosa including an exploratory longitudinal study
K Vogel, I Timmers, V Kumar, T Nickl-Jockschat, M Bastiani, A Roebroek, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 11, 614-621, 2016
How do psychologically based interventions for chronic musculoskeletal pain work? A systematic review and meta-analysis of specific moderators and mediators of treatment
C Murillo, TT Vo, S Vansteelandt, LE Harrison, B Cagnie, I Coppieters, ...
Clinical psychology review 94, 102160, 2022
The neural correlates of pain-related fear: a meta-analysis comparing fear conditioning studies using painful and non-painful stimuli
EE Biggs, I Timmers, A Meulders, JWS Vlaeyen, R Goebel, AL Kaas
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral reviews 119, 52-65, 2020
Parent psychological flexibility in the context of pediatric pain: Brief assessment and associations with parent behaviour and child functioning
I Timmers, LE Simons, JM Hernandez, LM McCracken, DP Wallace
European Journal of Pain 23 (7), 1340-1350, 2019
Language production and working memory in classic galactosemia from a cognitive neuroscience perspective: future research directions
I Timmers, J van den Hurk, F Di Salle, ME Rubio-Gozalbo, BM Jansma
Journal of inherited metabolic disease 34, 367-376, 2011
From mind to mouth: event related potentials of sentence production in classic galactosemia
I Timmers, BM Jansma, ME Rubio-Gozalbo
PLoS One 7 (12), e52826, 2012
Brain signatures of threat–safety discrimination in adolescent chronic pain
LC Heathcote, I Timmers, CA Kronman, F Mahmud, JM Hernandez, ...
Pain 161 (3), 630-640, 2020
Parent responses to their child's pain: systematic review and meta-analysis of measures
LE Harrison, I Timmers, LC Heathcote, E Fisher, V Tanna, ...
Journal of Pediatric Psychology 45 (3), 281-298, 2020
Precipitating events in child and adolescent chronic musculoskeletal pain
AJ Becker, LC Heathcote, I Timmers, LE Simons
Pain reports 3 (7), e665, 2018
Exposure in vivo as a treatment approach to target pain-related fear: theory and new insights from research and clinical practice
M den Hollander, RJEM Smeets, T van Meulenbroek, ...
Physical Therapy 102 (2), pzab270, 2022
Rapid identification and clinical indices of fear-avoidance in youth with chronic pain
LC Heathcote, RP Bhandari, I Timmers, LE Harrison, LE Simons
Pain 161 (3), 565-573, 2020
Atypical white matter connectivity in dyslexic readers of a fairly transparent orthography
G Žarić, I Timmers, P Gerretsen, G Fraga González, J Tijms, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1147, 2018
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